Thank you for submitting your exhibitor application!

Take a look at the information below and make sure you complete each step to make the meeting a success.

Meeting Dates
Saturday, March 10 – Tuesday, March 13, 2018 

Exhibitor Dates
Saturday, March 10 – Monday, March 12, 2018

Exhibitor Set-up*
Friday, March 9, in the evening AND Saturday, March 10, 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM

Exhibitor Dismantle*
Monday, March 12, 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM

*Times are subject to change

View the Schedule-At-A-Glance for a list of all ORS 2018 Annual Meeting activities.

Register your booth personnel and let us know who is going to be our main contact while at the meeting.

You receive 2 complimentary badges with each 10×10 booth purchase. For 10×20 booths, you receive 4 complimentary badges and should use the coupon code that was sent to you with your booth assignment confirmation.

Additional badges are available for purchase at $225/each.

Take a look at the meeting dates listed above and at the Schedule-At-A-Glance before making your arrangements.

Here are suggested arrival and departure dates:

Arrival: Friday, March 9, at anytime

Departure: Monday, March 12 after 8:30 PM or Tuesday, March 13 at anytime

Click here for more information on booking your hotel arrangements.

Your company contact information and description will be listed in our printed program book, and in the meeting’s mobile app. Submit your description here.

Company descriptions must be 500 characters or less (including spaces, numbers and punctuation). Anything over this amount will be edited by ORS to fit these parameters.

Tips for your description:

Don’t include your website URL or booth number – both will already be listed. Save those characters to spice up your description.

List more than just your line of business. “Medical equipment supplier” won’t get much attention, but “ORS is the leading organization in musculoskeletal research…” will.

Innovation Theater is a great opportunity for you to get additional face time with our attendees. We provide an 85-person theater in the Poster & Exhibit Hall for you to present your products or services. We provide snacks and beverages to bring people in the hall, you provide the exciting presentation.

30 minute sessions are available for $750

Click here for more information and submit your application today!

The deadline to order lead retrieval is Monday, February 26.

Validar is pleased to provide lead retrieval for the ORS 2018 Annual Meeting. There are several great options available for exhibitors so that you may pick which best suits your lead capture needs. You may view the options and purchase a system here.

For questions about Validar’s lead retrieval systems please contact Lily Roberts at [email protected].


Please contact Natalie Hinman, ORS Meeting Planner at [email protected].