The ORS is delighted to announce that Canada has been selected as the 2018 Guest Nation. The Guest Nation Program honors our colleagues in Canada, recognizes their contributions to the field of musculoskeletal research, and celebrates our collaborations with the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society (CORS), and subspecialties and affiliate of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA).

The Guest Nation will be recognized during the ORS 2018 Welcome Session and Presidential Address on Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM.

Sunday, March 10, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Functional Analysis the Key to the Next Revolution in the Treatment and Prevention of Hip and Knee Arthritis

Organized by:
Canadian Orthopedic Research Society

Fackson Mwale, PhD, McGill University
Albert Yee, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Sunnybrook & Women’s College

Joint replacement remains one of the most successful interventions in orthopaedic surgery however there are still patients who do not achieve their maximum function due to instability and/or persistent pain. This symposium will review current evidence linking patient reported outcomes and functional analysis as well as current evidence on how surgical approach and prosthetic influence impacts patient function. Finally, advanced modeling combining finite element analysis and patient specific data in the understanding the pathomechanism of joint degeneration will be presented.

How to Interpret Biomechanical/Functional Analysis of the Lower Extremity?
Mario Lamontagne PhD, University of Ottawa

Gait Analysis after Total Hip Replacement: What is the Influence of Surgical Approach and Implant Design?
Paul E. Beaulé MD, University of Ottawa

Gait Analysis After Total Knee Replacement: Implant Design or Kinematic Reconstruction Which is More Important?
Janie Wilson, PhD, Dalhousie University

Advanced Modeling/Imaging Using Patient Specific Data the Next Frontier in Arthritis Prevention
David R. Wilson, PhD, University of British Columbia

Information coming soon!