Saturday, March 10, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Christopher Mendias, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery
Gretchen Meyer, PhD, Washington University

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce scientists to common techniques used to study skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. The workshop will cover mouse models of muscle hypertrophy and injury, molecular genetics tools used to study different populations of cells in muscle tissue, and in vitro techniques to study muscle stem cells. There will be a didactic portion, with ample time for an interactive discussion and questions at the end of the workshop.

In Vivo Models of Myogenesis
Esther Dupont-Versteegden, PhD, University of Kentucky

Myogenesis in a Dish: Advantages and Limitations to Myogenic Cell Culture
Gretchen Meyer, PhD, Washington University

Organized by:
ORS Industry Engagement Committee (IEC)
ORS Spine Section

Sally LiArno, PhD, Stryker Orthopaedics
Saeed Khayatzadeh, PhD, Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital

Patient-Reported-Outcome-Measures (PROMs) or Patient-Reported-Outcomes (PRO) assess the quality of care delivered to patients from the patient perspective. PRO questionnaires can be used to assess many factors including symptoms, functioning, health status, general health perceptions, quality of life, and activity level. This workshop focuses on how PROMs calculate the health gains after orthopaedic surgical treatment using pre- and post-operative surveys.

The Last Night of the PROMs? Should We Still Be Evaluating Surgical Outcomes With Patient Level Metrics
David Hamilton, PhD, BSc (hons), BSc (hons), MCSP, University of Edinburgh

Are Sensors the Holy Grail of PROs? What Digital Technology Will Mean for Quality Measures
Stefano Bini, MD, University of California San Francisco

In Search of Biomarkers Predictive of PROs in Spinal Degeneration and Back Pain
Nadeen Chanine, PhD, Columbia University

Organized by:
ORS Women’s Leadership Forum

Nancy Pleshko, PhD, Temple University
Susan Bukata, MD, University of California Los Angeles

Dr. Adele Boskey made major contributions to the fields of bone biology and mineralization using novel in vitro systems, and she expanded on these studies throughout her career. Her research sought to understand the composition of mineral and matrix in osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, and other diseases of bone fragility, and the effect of therapeutics on bone, at multiple structural levels in preclinical models and clinical tissues. This workshop will address the molecular basis of biomineralization, followed by discussion of how factors important in skeletal mineralization affect bone biomechanics, diseases associated with poor quality mineral and matrix, and current therapeutics to improve mineral quality. Together, this workshop will facilitate an exchange of knowledge and stimulate discussion among renowned keynote speakers, scientists and clinicians at all career levels with an interest in bone mineralization and quality, while honoring the memory and contributions of one of our most important leaders in the field of orthopaedic research.

The Evolving Role of Matrix Vesicles in the Regulation of Musculoskeletal Tissues
Barbara D. Boyan, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University

Skeletal Mineralization and Bone Mechanical Properties
Marjolein C.H. van der Meulen, PhD, Cornell University

Insights Into A Rare Bone Disease: Osteogenesis Imperfecta, From Bench to Bedside and Back Again
Cathleen L. Raggio, MD, Hospital for Special Surgery

Organized by:
Canadian Orthopedic Research Society

Fackson Mwale, PhD, McGill University
Albert Yee, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Sunnybrook & Women’s College

Joint replacement remains one of the most successful interventions in orthopaedic surgery however there are still patients who do not achieve their maximum function due to instability and/or persistent pain. This symposium will review current evidence linking patient reported outcomes and functional analysis as well as current evidence on how surgical approach and prosthetic influence impacts patient function. Finally, advanced modeling combining finite element analysis and patient specific data in the understanding the pathomechanism of joint degeneration will be presented.

How to Interpret Biomechanical/Functional Analysis of the Lower Extremity?
Mario Lamontagne PhD, University of Ottawa

Gait Analysis after Total Hip Replacement: What is the Influence of Surgical Approach and Implant Design?
Paul E. Beaulé MD, University of Ottawa

Gait Analysis After Total Knee Replacement: Implant Design or Kinematic Reconstruction Which is More Important?
Janie Wilson, PhD, Dalhousie University

Advanced Modeling/Imaging Using Patient Specific Data the Next Frontier in Arthritis Prevention
David R. Wilson, PhD, University of British Columbia

Workshop Handout

Sunday, March 11, 7:00 AM – 8:15 AM

Organized by:
ORS Industry Engagement Committee (IEC)
ORS Orthopaedic Implants Section

Christopher P. Roche, MSE, MBA, Exactech, Inc.
Dennis Janssen, PhD, Radboud University Medical Center

Total joint arthroplasty is one of the most cost-effective and clinically successful medical procedures ever devised, with highly predictable outcomes for many different indications. This workshop provides a historical overview of prosthesis designs in the hip, knee, and shoulder, describing how devices for each application have evolved to: 1) improve long-term survivorship, 2) enhance patient satisfaction, 3) reduce the occurrence and severity of complications, 4) address expanding usage, new indications and surgical techniques, and 5) utilize novel materials and manufacturing technologies. An improved understanding of each prosthesis design lineage, better informs clinicians, designers, and medical researchers of modern design requirements in order to create new innovations that optimize function and offer the potential for improved outcomes.

Historical Overview of Shoulder Arthroplasty Prosthesis Design
Evan Flatow, MD, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

Historical Overview of Hip Arthroplasty Prosthesis Design
John Callaghan, MD, University of Iowa

Historical Overview of Knee Arthroplasty Prosthesis Design
Michael Mont, MD, Cleveland Clinic

Workshop Handout

Sunday, March 11, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Christopher Evans, PhD, Mayo Clinic

Participants in this workshop will gain an in-depth understanding of how regenerative medicine research focuses on the repair or replacement of tissues lost to injury, disease, or age, primarily via the enhancement of endogenous stem cell function or the transplantation of exogenous stem cells; whereas rehabilitation science emphasizes the use of mechanical and other physical stimuli to promote functional recovery. Learn how rehabilitation and regenerative medicine research are being integrated in order to create synergy for maximizing orthopaedic treatment outcomes. Identifying the underlying mechanisms of this synergy allows for improved rehabilitation protocols based on empirical data, and the use of appropriate timing and the right approaches of rehabilitation interventions will help to optimize and improve outcomes for the growing regenerative medicine patient population. Understanding and implementing findings from these two approaches will inform orthopaedic practice as these innovative technologies make their way to the clinic.

Regenerative Rehabilitation: Background and Introduction
Christopher Evans, PhD, Mayo Clinic

Stimulation of Bone Healing Through Mechanical Loading
Vaida Glatt, PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Chondrogenesis in Response to Mechanical Load for Cartilage Repair
Martin Stoddart, PhD, FRSB, AO Research Institution

Workshop Handout

Mark Ehrensberger, PhD, University of Buffalo
Sujee Jeyapalina, PhD, University of Utah

Osseointegrated (OI) prosthetic limbs represent a promising alternative to conventional socket prostheses. The OI prostheses are directly anchored within the bone of the residual limb and utilize a percutaneous connection to the external artificial limb. Currently, there are three types of OI prostheses under clinical trial in the USA. Success of these trials will enable a wider use of this technology within the US health care system. In this workshop, experienced clinician scientists will introduce the general concepts of OI prostheses, summarize recent clinical experiences and highlight future research directions. This overview will give both orthopedic researchers and clinicians a “bench to bedside” account of these unique devices, which can perhaps revolutionize amputee care worldwide.

Experience with the OPRA System
Rickard Brånemark, MD, PhD, University of California San Francisco

Transfemoral Osseointegrated Prosthesis – Utah Implant Design Principles, Translational Research and Clinical Outcomes
James P. Beck, MD, University of Utah

The Department of Defense Osseointegration Program
Jonathan Forsberg, MD, PhD, USU-Walter Reed

Workshop Handout

Organized by:
Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS)

Francis Y. Lee, MD, PhD, Yale University
Michelle Ghert, MD, McMaster University

In the era of Personalized Medicine and Post-Genome Sequencing, genetic profiling and molecular signaling data are readily available for human pathology samples. And yet, such big data are not readily utilized to treat altered bone properties and tumorigenesis. This workshop will highlight molecular signaling that distinguishes normal and neoplastic osteogenesis and stemness in order to discover new therapeutic opportunities to enhance bone health and cancer outcomes.

Normal Osteogenic Differentiation and Stemness
Hicham Drissi, PhD, Emory University

Aberrant Signaling in Neoplastic Osteoprogenitors and Therapeutic Targets
Bang Hoang, MD, Albert Einstein School of Medicine

Aberrant Stemness of Neoplastic Osteoprogenitors and Therpaeutic Targets
Parker Gibbs, MD, PhD, University of Florida

Workshop Handout

Monday, March 12, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Jessica Lehoczky, PhD, Brigham Women’s Hospital
Jessica Whited, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Orthopedic patients with limb injuries secondary to trauma or disease can benefit from novel therapeutic approaches to address tissue injury or amputation. While humans have negligible innate composite tissue regeneration in limbs following injury, some non-human vertebrates have highly regenerative limbs/appendages. Basic research focused on regeneration in these species will lead to a molecular understanding of innate tissue renewal in vertebrates, and can ultimately be leveraged into translational research efforts. This workshop will introduce three model organisms currently used to gain a mechanistic understanding of limb/appendage regeneration in vertebrates.

Blastema Physiology and Induced Skeletal Regeneration in Mammals
Ken Muneoka, PhD, Texas A&M University

Lizard Tail Regeneration as an Instructive Model of Enhanced Healing Capabilities in an Adult Amniote
Thomas Lozito, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Identifying Transcriptional Networks Associated with Appendage Regeneration
Randal Voss, PhD, University of Kentucky

Workshop Handout

Organized by:
Karen L. Troy, PhD, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Darryl D. D’Lima, PhD, Scripps Clinic

It is not possible to directly and non-invasively measure the actual forces, stresses, and strains that are transmitted through bones and joints. Yet, design of orthopaedic implants, engineered tissue constructs, and interventions to promote healthy tissue adaptation all depend upon this knowledge. This workshop will feature three presenters who have made significant advances in measuring joint and tissue loading in healthy and clinical populations. Experimental techniques, limitations, and areas of opportunity will be identified and discussed.

Computational Modeling Approaches to Estimate In Vivo Bone Strain
Karen L. Troy, PhD, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

In Vivo Measurement of Knee Joint Contact Forces
Darryl D. D’Lima, PhD, Scripps Clinic

In Vivo Computational Prediction of Knee Joint Contact Forces
BJ Fregly, PhD, Rice University

A Practical Guide for Performing Human In Vivo Bone Strain Measurements
Charles Milgrom

Workshop Handout

Organized by:
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA)

Roger Cornwall, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Brian Snyder, MD, PhD, Boston Children’s Hospital

Pediatric neuromuscular disorders include a heterogeneous array of severely disabling conditions for which multiple opportunities exist for truly game-changing innovation. Historically, virtually all pediatric neuromuscular disorders have been approached with similar simplistic orthopedic strategies: stretch or cut muscles that are tight, cut the bones if cutting the muscles doesn’t work, brace muscles that are weak, and resort to a wheelchair when braces don’t work. However, recent research, is leading to new disorder-specific therapies which address underlying biological and biomechanical mechanisms and proactively mitigate deforming forces on the developing skeleton. This workshop will highlight these advances and opportunities in presentations and discussions led by clinician-scientists and clinician-engineers who both actively research and actively treat pediatric neuromuscular disorders. Participants from diverse backgrounds (science, engineering, medicine, surgery, industry) will be able to identify novel collaborations, hypotheses, and development opportunities in this wide-open field of musculoskeletal research.

Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders: How Can Biology and Engineering Help Alleviate the Burden of Disease?
Brian Snyder, MD, PhD, Boston Children’s Hospital

Success Stories: Game Changers in Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
Benjamin Alman, MD, Duke University

Shifting the Paradigm of Neuromuscular Contractures: Lessons from Neonatal Brachial Plexus Injury
Roger Cornwall, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Cerebral Palsy: incorporating new techniques and technology into a physiological paradigm
James McCarthy, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Workshop Handout

Organized by:
The Hip Society

Douglas E. Padgett, MD, Hospital for Special Surgery
Timothy M. Wright, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery

While the success and longevity of joint replacement is well documented, implant failure can and does occur. The introduction of some newer designs and bearings over the past decade have unfortunately resulted in the need for early revision. Many of these failures were biologically driven and were not recognized clinically. This workshop will focus on the clinical presentations of some of these failures, the role of enhanced imaging techniques such as MRI to assess the array biologic responses observed and finally discuss the role that implant retrieval analysis can play in understanding some of the mechanisms by which these phenomena occur.

The Clinical Evaluation and Workup of the Failed Implant
Mathias P.G. Bostrom, MD, Hospital for Special Surgery

The Use of MR in Evaluating the Failed Implant
Hollis G. Potter, MD, Hospital for Special Surgery

The Role of Implant Retrieval in Evaluating Failed Implants
Timothy M. Wright, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery

Workshop Handout

Tuesday, March 13, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

Bettina M. Willie, PhD, McGill University and Shriners Hospital for Children
X. Sherry Liu, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Micro computed tomography imaging enables unprecedented 3D visualization of tissue microstructure non-destructively, and has thereby emerged as a gold standard method to assess bone structure, geometry, and microarchitecture. An important advance in MicroCT technology in recent years is in vivo imaging of small animals. This imaging strategy not only minimizes the number of animals required while enhancing statistical power, but also provides new insight into musculoskeletal disease, injury, and repair processes through an added temporal dimension. Moreover, a recent implementation of MicroCT technology in clinical applications, namely high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT (HR-pQCT), enables longitudinal assessment of skeletal alterations at microscale of humans. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists and clinicians to discuss current imaging protocols and image processing methodology related to longitudinal MicroCT imaging in preclinical and clinical studies.

Preclinical Longitudinal MicroCT Imaging
Ralph Müller, PhD, ETH Zurich

Clinical In Vivo MicroCT Imaging
Steven Boyd, PhD, University of Calgary

Biomechanical In Vivo MicroCT Imaging
Enrico Dall’Ara, PhD, University of Sheffield

Workshop Handout

Johnny Huard, PhD, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Aging is arguably the most important, yet poorly understood aspect of biology. There is compelling evidence to support the hypothesis that the underlying cause of aging is the cell autonomous, time-dependent accumulation of stochastic damage to cells, organelles, and macromolecules. It is also clear from parabiosis, serum transfer, and cell ablation studies that cell non-autonomous mechanisms play important roles in driving degenerative changes that arise as the consequence of spontaneous, stochastic damage. However, the relative contribution of cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms to systemic aging in different organisms is unclear. The goal of this workshop is to educate and inform participants that the process of aging specific cell and/or tissue types has effects on not only neighboring cells, but also on the rate of systemic aging. The major goal will be to identify drugs or agents to target critical pathways that drive aging in these specific types of cells or tissues, which may result in therapeutic approaches to extend healthy aging as well as delay aging-related disorders, such as osteoathritis (OA).

Identification and Characterization of Key Cell and Tissue Types That Contribute to Driving Systemic Aging
Laura Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute

Identification of Key Cell Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Signaling Mechanisms Involved in Driving Systemic and Local Aging
Paul Robbins, PhD, The Scripps Research Institute

Effect of Tissue and Cell Type-Specific Aging on Stem Cell and Stem Cell Niche Function
Johnny Huard, PhD, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Workshop Handout

Dominik Haudenschild, PhD University of California Davis
Blaine Christiansen, PhD, University of California Davis

Joint injuries initiate changes in joint tissue homeostasis that often culminate in osteoarthritis. A focus of current research is to mechanistically connect the initial injury event, and the eventual osteoarthritis. This workshop will highlight advances in identifying the acute injury-responses in different joint tissues, with a focus on the early responses that determine the trajectory of disease progression. This workshop will bring together the unique perspectives of the presenters who have each approached the identification of early OA differently in their research. The goal is to establish a more comprehensive understanding of the interplay between early post-injury changes in gene expression, cartilage repair and remodeling, and the generation of biomarker “profiles” in the injured joint. An additional focus will be how the early responses can vary across different genetic backgrounds.

Injury-Induced Changes in Transcription During the Acute Phase
Gabriela Loots, PhD, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

Genetic Variation Affects Transcriptional Responses to Joint Injury
Farooq M. Rai, PhD, Washington University

Mechanical Interplay Across the Osteochondral Junction
Andrew Pitsillides, BSc(Hons) PhD, Royal Veterinary College University of London

Workshop Handout