The ORS is thrilled to announce that the Netherlands has been selected as the 2019 Guest Nation. The Guest Nation Program honors our colleagues in the Netherlands and recognizes their contributions to the field of musculoskeletal research and orthopaedic care.
The ORS has featured all of the related programming highlighting representatives and presenters from the Netherlands. Please be sure to refer to the Annual Meeting mobile app for room locations and more details.
Stop by the Guest Nation booth in the exhibit and poster hall to say hello to representatives from the Netherlands Orthopaedic Association (NOV) Saturday, February 2 – Monday, February 4.
Join representatives from the NOV and invited Guest Nation attendees highlighting research from the Netherlands.
Saturday, February 2
5:45 PM – 6:15 PM
Innovation Theater
Monday, February 4
5:45 PM – 6:15 PM
Innovation Theater
Saturday, February 2
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
The ORS Guest Nation will be recognized during the Opening Session.
Short presentation given by:
Sjoerd Bulstra, PhD
Vice President, Netherlands Orthopaedic Association (NOV)
Head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Learn more about the plenary sessions taking place at ORS Annual Meeting.
The following papers are presented in Podium Sessions from the Guest Nation – The Netherlands. Please check the Annual Meeting mobile app for room locations.
Saturday, February 2 – Clinical Studies in Orthopaedics I
10:40 AM – 10:50 AM
Paper No. 0026
Knee Joint Distraction Compared With High Tibial Osteotomy And Total Knee Arthroplasty: Two-year Clinical, Structural, And Biomarker Outcomes
Mylène P. Jansen; Nick J. Besselink; Ronald J. van Heerwaarden; Roel J. Custers; Jan-Ton A. van der Wouden; Karen Wiegant; Sander Spruijt; Pieter Emans; Peter M. van Roermund; Simon C. Mastbergen; Floris P. Lafeber
Sunday, February 3 – Images and Diagnostics for Infection
4:40 PM – 4:50 PM
Paper No. 0203
Real-time Arthroscopic Imaging Of Bacterial Biofilms In A Human Post-mortem Model Using Fluorescently Labelled Vancomycin
Jorrit Schoenmakers; Marjolein Heuker; Marina Lopez Alvares; Gooitzen van Dam; Jan Maarten van Dijl; Paul Jutte; Marleen van Oosten
Monday, February 4 – Knee – Structure and Function
10:40 AM – 10:50 AM
Paper No. 0212
In-vivo Length Changes And Isometry Of The Medial Patellofemoral Ligament During Weightbearing Motion
Willem A. Kernkamp; Cong Wang; Changzhao Li; Hu Hai; Ewoud R. van Arkel; Rob G. Nelissen; Robert LaPrade; Samuel K. van de Velde; Tsung-Yuan Tsai
Monday, February 4 – Hip – Arthroplasty
3:25 PM – 3:35 PM
Paper No. 0281
RSA Migration Analysis Of The Uncemented Trident Tritanium And The Trident HA Coated Acetabular Component: A Two Year Randomized Controlled Trial
Jacobus Arts; Timothy Vranken; Bart Kaptein; Lennard Koster; Elisabeth Jutten; Rene ten Broeke
The following papers are being presented as moderated ePosters from the Guest Nation – Netherlands in ePoster Theater located in the exhibit and poster hall.
Sunday, February 3 – Exhibit Hall – ePoster Theater 1
9:30 AM – 9:33 AM
Poster No. 653
Involvement Of M2 Macrophages And Osteoclastogenesis In Osteoinduction By Calcium Phosphate With Submicron Topography
Huipin Yuan; Davide Barbieri; Florence de Groot; Lukas A. van Dijk; Joost de Bruijn
Sunday, February 3 – Exhibit Hall – ePoster Theater 1
3:18 PM – 3:21 PM
Poster No. 0454 – Cartilage and Synovium – Treatment and Therapeutics
Initial Structural Response Predicts Long-term Survival Of Knee Joint Distraction As A Treatment For Knee Osteoarthritis
Mylène P. Jansen; Goran S. van der Weiden; Roel J. Custers; Simon C. Mastbergen; Floris P. Lafeber
HRpQCT to Study Longitudinal Bone Remodeling and Biomaterials Performance in Clinical Patients
Sunday, February 3
9:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Sponsored by: Scanco Medical AG
Jacobus J.C. Arts, PhD
Associate Professor Translational Biomaterials
Department Orthopaedic Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre, the Netherlands
Associate Professor Translational Biomaterials
Department Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e
High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HRpQCT) is now more widely available and used in a variety of studies to study longitudinal changes in bone micro-architecture. The presentation will highlight the latest developments in the technology (hardware and software) as well as update on current applications and novel uses of HRpQCT. The use of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tools to generate indices of mechanical strength data and fracture prediction will also be discussed.
Learn more about the other workshops being held during the meeting.
Growth Factors: Integration of Growth Factor Input by Cells
Sunday, February 3
6:15 PM – 7:45 PM
Organizer: Peter van der Kraan, PhD, Radboud University Medical Center
The goal of the RIG is to enhance awareness and to stimulate collaboration of orthopaedic researchers working on the role and applicability of growth factors in orthopaedic diseases.
The RIG goal is to encourage intimate discussions with speakers and attendees on GFs in orthopedic research. One speaker will provide an overview, and 3-5 speakers will present exciting new data for discussion. Theme will be on the integration of growth factor input by cells.
Learn more about Research Interest Groups.