Friday, February 1
Grantsmanship Workshop
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Supported by:
The ability to write a compelling grant application is an essential skill for funding your research and achieving success in academia. Submitting your first grant application is a milestone in your career and receiving your first grant is an achievement to be celebrated. This program is ideal for investigators who are in the process of writing their first grant proposal.
Additional registration fee required.
Saturday, February 2
Meet the NIH – SOLD OUT
12:15 PM – 1:20 PM
Organized by the ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
This NIH-Investigator Networking session will provide ORS meeting attendees with an opportunity to better understand NIH funding policy through one-on-one personal interaction with NIH staff. This session will allow the attendees to ask specific questions and participate in small group discussions with NIH grant review administrators and program officers. Participants can get their questions answered and learn what funding opportunities are available and which grant mechanisms are right for young investigators.
Advanced registration required.
Lunch not included
Keys to Building a Mutually Beneficial Researcher-Clinician Collaboration
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Organized by the ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
Organizers: Xudong Li, MD, PhD, University of Virginia and Joshua D. Roth, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The goal of both orthopaedic research and clinical practice is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic diseases and injuries. However, it is often challenging for researchers to translate their scientific breakthroughs into the clinic, and for clinicians to rigorously investigate an observed problem. Although the best way to overcome these challenges is to form researcher-clinician collaborations, building such collaborations is challenging. Accordingly, in this session, leaders in execution and administration of orthopedic research will provide perspectives about how to build a mutually beneficial researcher-clinician collaboration. Attendees should leave the session with a better understanding of the keys and challenges to a successful collaboration.
PhD Perspective
Joan E. Bechtold, PhD, University of Minnesota
MD Perspective
Cristin M. Ferguson, MD, Wake Forrest
Department Chair Perspective
Regis O’Keefe, MD, PhD, Washington University
NIH Perspective
Fei Wang, PhD, National Institute of Health
ORS 2019 Mentor Match Program & Meet and Greet
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Meet and Greet)
Organized by the ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
ORS’ multidisciplinary membership offers a myriad of opportunities to connect.
The Mentor Match Process has been updated for the 2019 meeting! Investigators from all career stages within the ORS Research Community are invited to participate as both mentors and mentees! The goal is to create a mentoring experience to learn from one another and enjoy a stronger, more fruitful professional experience by sharing different perspectives, experience and advice. Examples include:
- Senior graduate students or post-docs paired with a junior graduate student to share their perspectives, experience and advice
- Senior trainees paired with an established investigator
Junior or mid-career independent investigators will have the opportunity to both mentor an early career investigator and receive mentoring from established and/or senior investigators.
To participate in this program, check the box on the registration form indicating your interest to be a “Mentor” and/or “Mentee”. You will receive an email with additional information and a link to complete the “Mentor” and/or “Mentee” forms. The initial time commitment for this program is approximately one hour at the ORS 2019 Annual Meeting for each mentor/mentee match.
Sunday, February 3
Industry Connect – An Ongoing Discourse with the FDA
12:30 PM – 1:20 PM
Organized by: Industry Engagement Committee
Organizers: Lara Ionescu Silverman, Director R&D, DiscGenics, Inc; Chris Roche, Senior Director of Engineering, Extremities, Exactech; Aric Kaiser, Expert Biomedical Engineer, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Scott Bruder, Founder & CEO, Bruder Consulting and Venture Group
This session is the fourth in a series, continuing an open discussion with the FDA which was started at the Industry Connect session in 2016 (Orlando), and continued in San Diego and New Orleans. The session will include presentations and discussion of timely regulatory topics relevant to orthopaedic product development. Specific topics this year will focus on compliance issues facing the orthopedic field (including a discussion of regulated versus non-regulated products), including an overview of compliance regulations, case studies on successes and challenges, and a presentation by FDA on the subject. Participants will gain a better understanding of the most recent regulations and hot topics, and have an opportunity to network with various ORS members from government, industry, and academia.
Lunch not included
Your Personal Brand and What You Need to Know*
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Organized by the ORS Industry Engagement Committee
Organizer: Sally LiArno, PhD, Stryker and Lara Silverman, PhD, DiscGenics
You may be doing great research and writing papers, but how can you more effectively succeed in the orthopaedic community and your career? Sometimes also defined as personal marketing or personal leadership, personal branding defines how to cultivate an impression of yourself that you want others to have of you and how that can impact your career. In today’s world of social media this is especially important. The purpose of this session is to provide some background on what Personal Brand is as well as how to build and maintain your personal brand. In addition, two established members of the ORS community will provide feedback on how their personal brand has influenced their career.
How to Build Your Personal Brand
Greg Boggis, MBA, Stryker
Cultivating a Personal Brand as an Academic
Lawrence Bonassar, PhD, Cornell
Branding Yourself, Your Science, and Your Lab
Farshid Guilak, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
*This session does not qualify for CME.
Monday, February 4
Career in Orthopaedics: Hurdles and Pitfalls
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Organized by the ORS Women’s Leadership Forum and ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
Organizer: Sophie Verrier, PhD, AO Research Institute Davos
At the beginning of our career, we all look at our mentors, their success and achievements. We all wish to achieve what they achieved. Most of us know about them now, but very few of us get to know about the long road that took them to where they are. During this professional advancement session, two renowned scientists and great speakers will tell you about their own experience and the hurdles and pitfalls they met during their career.
Learning to Drink Responsibly
Brian Johnstone, PhD, Oregon Health & Science University
Achieving Stable Fixation in the Orthopaedic World
Mary B. Goldring, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery
Tuesday, February 5
Meet the Professor and Poster Walking Tour
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Organized by the ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
These interactive discussions will feature experts in their field, who will discuss their scientific interests and career path. We plan to invite senior investigators with diverse expertise and background (including at least 1 clinician-scientist) to lead these 30-minute discussions. The conversations will continue during a 30-minute poster walking tour. Some number of the poster walking tours will include pairs of guides (e.g. a clinician and a scientist or engineer who both work in a similar field) to provide different perspectives on the posters.
Clinical Research Mentor Connect
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Organized by the ORS Clinical Research Committee
Organizers: Michelle Ghert and Joel Gagnier
This session will provide an opportunity for upcoming orthopaedic clinical researchers to network, learn from and collaborate with established clinical researchers.
Learning objective: Attendees will learn more about advanced concepts and practical experience in orthopaedic clinic research (planning clinical research, finding and applying for funding, trouble shooting, publishing, etc.)
Lunch not provided
Writing a High-impact NIH Biosketch Session – SOLD OUT
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Organized by the ORS Women’s Leadership Forum and ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
Organizers: Iwona Jasiuk, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Deana Mercer, MD, University of New Mexico; and Karen L. Troy, PhD, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Have you wondered how to craft your NIH Biosketch to put your best foot forward? Your Biosketch is a window into who you are as a scientist, so you need to make sure that it is telling the best story possible. This program will explore and examine the key aspects of a Biosketch, with great tips and pointers on what to do and not to do when preparing this document. We have assembled three amazing speakers to explore this topic. The session will begin with three short talks on various aspects of Biosketch writing including, but not limited to how to write a compelling personal statement, how to craft your “contributions to science” section, and what details can be most effective in communicating your expertise to reviewers as a newer investigator. Following the short talks, we will have tables set up around the room for participants to ask experts in the field how to improve their individual Biosketches. This program is ideal for the early career investigator as well as those who need to transition to the new NIH format. Advanced registration required to guarantee a seat at the session. An email will be sent to registered attendees with a link to submit your biosketch if you would like to have it reviewed during the session. Bring questions for the experts to make this the most productive session possible.
Gayle Lester, PhD, National Institute of Health
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD, Cornell University
Mark Burge, MD, University of New Mexico HSC
Advanced registration required.