Sunday, February 3, 2019
9:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Contemporary Topics in Clinical Research

Organized by the ORS Clinical Research Forum

The Clinical Research Forum will showcase advanced concepts in clinical research. Special topics include a discussion of the role of pragmatic randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the real world of clinical care, as well the design, benefits and challenges of cluster RCTs. In addition, attendees will learn about the role of propensity score analysis in minimizing confounding bias in observational research, and the distinction between as well as key points in interpreting clinical vs. statistical significance of research findings. Finally, a selection of reporting standards and recommendations for clinical research will be described and presented. A summary panel discussion will provide ample opportunity for audience participation.

Pragmatic Clinical Trials
Michelle Ghert, MD, FRCSC, McMaster University

Cluster Randomized Studies
Cale Jacobs, PhD, University of Kentucky

Propensity Score Analyses in Clinical Research
Joel J. Gagnier ND, MSc, PhD, University of Michigan

Interpreting Results of Clinical Research: Statistical vs. Clinical Significance
Melissa Kluczynski, MS, University of Buffalo

Reporting Standards for Clinical Research
Nicolas Piuzzi, MD, Cleveland Clinic