Abstract Submission Deadline:  Monday, August 26, 2019

When submitting your abstracts for the ORS 2020 Annual Meeting, you will be asked to select the following:

  1. Topic category (listed in bold)
  2. Subtopic category (if applicable)
  3. Keyword(s)

Topic/Subtopic Categories

Big Data


Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Diseases & Disorders
Treatment & Therapeutics

Cartilage and Synovium
Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Diseases & Disorders
Treatment & Therapeutics

Clinical Studies
Orthopaedic Quality and Value
Disease Epidemiology
Population Genetics
Omics and Biomarkers

Clinical Trials

Foot and Ankle
Hand and Wrist

Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Surgical and Non-surgical Interventions



Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Surgical and Non-surgical Interventions

Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Diseases & Disorders
Treatment & Therapeutics
Shoulder and Elbow
Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Surgical and Non-surgical Interventions

Skeletal Muscle
Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Diseases & Disorders
Treatment & Therapeutics

Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Surgical and Non-surgical Interventions

Tendon and Ligament
Growth, Development & Aging
Structure, Function & Mechanics
Injury & Healing
Diseases & Disorders
Treatment & Therapeutics

3D Printing
Anesthesia and Analgesia
Articular Cartilage
Articular Cartilage Mechanics
Articular Cartilage Repair
Blood Vessels and Blood Flow
Bone Biology
Bone Mechanics
Bone Regeneration
Bone Tumor
Cell and Molecular Imaging
Cell Signaling
Cell Therapy
Clinical Outcomes Research
Degenerative Disc Disease
Developmental Biology
Diagnostic Equipment
Diagnostic Imaging
Finite Element Analysis
Foot and Ankle
Fracture Fixation
Fracture Healing
Gene Therapy
Growth Factors
Growth Plate
Hand and Wrist
Implant Fixation
Implant Materials
Implant Wear
Injury and Repair
Intervertebral Disc Biology
Intervertebral Disc Biomechanics
In vivo/Ex vivo Model
Joint Mechanics
Kinematics, Kinesiology
Ligament and Tendon Biology
Ligament and Tendon Mechanics
Matrix Proteins and Catabolic Enzymes
Metabolic Bone Disease
Osteochondral unit
Platelet Rich Plasma
Preclinical Model
Progenitor and Stem Cells
Regenerative Therapy
Shoulder and Elbow
Soft Tissue Tumor
Spine Biomechanics
Spine Therapeutics
Surgical Navigation and Robotics
Synoviocytes and Synovial Membrane
Tissue Engineering
Tissue Therapy

Submitting Your Abstracts

  • First write your abstract in Microsoft Word using Times New roman, 8-point font, 0.75” margins on all sides, following the ORS Formatting Guidelines.  A Template is available to create your abstract.
  • Be sure that all text (including title, authors and institutions, disclosures, images and tables) fit onto one page.  3 images and/or tables are allowed per abstract.
  • Once you have the one-page abstract, you can complete the online submission by copying and pasting the body of the abstract in the online submission pages.
  • Complete ALL steps of the online submission.
  • Be sure to upload images supporting your abstract.
  • Next save the file as a PDF.  PDF documents of accepted abstracts will be used on the ORS online abstract search and on the mobile app.
  • Upload the PDF of your complete abstract, including title, authors, images, references and acknowledgements.
  • There will be a $35.00 non-refundable fee to submit your abstract for the ORS 2020 Annual Meeting.
  • Once you complete all the steps in the online submission and submit payment, you will receive a green message and check mark on the “Review My Work” screen indicating “Your submission is COMPLETE.”

Abstract Submission Deadline:  Monday, August 26, 2019

The last day to make edits to your abstract is August 26, 2019.  If the abstract is accepted, authors will have a chance to make additional edits to their abstract.

Acceptance notices will be sent to authors November 6, 2019.

The themes and sessions in the Annual Meeting program are not prescribed by the ORS Program Committee but directly represent the abstract submissions.  If you would like to see more of a certain topic, please encourage your colleagues in that area to submit to the ORS.

PLEASE NOTE: Abstracts submitted to or presented at any of the following meetings can also be submitted to the ORS Annual Meeting:

  • ORS Ambassador Symposia
  • ORS Musculoskeletal Biology Workshop at Sun Valley
  • ORS PSRS 5th International Spine Research Symposium
  • The ORS is home to the top experts from around the globe in the field of musculoskeletal research; biologists, engineers, orthopaedic surgeons, and clinicians.
  • The ORS Annual Meeting is the leading forum for the presentation of high-quality, innovative and transformative research.

ORS provides awards and grants for the early career and established investigator based on high-quality abstracts.

Award and grant opportunities are available to ORS members. If you’re not currently a member but would like to join the ORS, please complete a membership application prior to abstract submission. Membership applications must be received on or before Monday, August 26 to be eligible to receive an ORS award or grant. Please contact the ORS office at [email protected] if you have questions regarding membership.

Presenting Authors will automatically be considered for all applicable awards and grants based on information gathered upon submission of his or her abstract. Awards and grants include:

If you are submitting for someone in your lab or institution, print these pages and have the authors complete them, making it easier for you to submit the information. This file shows each screen of the submission site with notes to help you with your submission. Please note: This file is 18 pages.