Friday, February 7

The Art of Grantsmanship

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Part II of our popular grant writing course! This interactive workshop includes a Specific Page Aims Lab providing participants with the opportunity to prepare and revise a specific aims page, the most important page of the grant application, with expert faculty. A subset of grants submitted by registrants will be reviewed during a LIVE Mock NIH Study Section. Don’t miss out on the networking and mentoring opportunities and the real time feedback you will receive from faculty and NIH officers.

We encourage you to take The Art of Grantsmanship Part I (online lectures) prior to participating in the Part II to ensure maximum success! Full grant proposals will be accepted for review only from registrants who have participated in Part I of this course.

Registration fee: $85

Sunday, February 9

Industry Connect – An Ongoing Discourse with the FDA

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Organized by the ORS Industry Engagement Committee
Organizers: Jeffrey Bischoff, PhD and Christopher Roche, MSBE

This session is the fifth in a series, continuing an open discussion with the FDA which was started at the Industry Connect session in 2016 (Orlando) and has continued annually since then.  The series is focused on presentations and discussion of timely regulatory topics relevant to orthopaedic product development. The session this year will focus on the international regulatory environment, including a review of current FDA pathways including De Novo and the status of the transition in Europe from the Medical Device Directive (MDD) to Medical Device Regulations (MDR).  Presenters will incorporate perspectives from both the regulatory bodies as well as the medical device development community; and a discussion panel will focus on ‘First in (where?)’.  Participants will gain a better understanding of the most recent regulations and hot topics and have an opportunity to network with various ORS members from government, industry, and academia.

The De Novo Program
Sergio de del Castillo, RAC
De Novo Program Lead, Office of Regulatory Programs
Office of Product Evaluation and Quality, CDRH, FDA

How the FDA’s renewed focus on the De Novo pathway will encourage innovation
Justin Eggleton, Vice President, Spine Regulatory Affairs, MCRA, LLC

Innovation challenges for orthopedic device manufacturers under the new EU MDR – A notified body perspective
Max Singh, MBA, PhD
Global Director – Orthopedics Focus Team, TÜV SÜD

Global standards: Do they exist?
Elizabeth Wray
Director, Regulatory Affairs, Zimmer Biomet

This session does not qualify for CME

Meet the NIH

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Organized by the ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
Organizers: Ata Kiapour, PhD, MMSc and Kyle Allen, PhD

This NIH-Investigator Networking session will provide ORS meeting attendees with an opportunity to better understand NIH funding policy through one-on-one personal interaction with NIH staff. This session will allow the attendees to ask specific questions and participate in small group discussions with NIH grant review administrators and program officers. Participants can get their questions answered and learn what funding opportunities are available and which grant mechanisms are right for young investigators.

View a list of NIH Representatives/Mentors

Get That Job! How to Successfully Interview for Your Dream Position

1:30 PM– 3:00 PM

Organized by the ORS Industry Engagement Committee and New Investigator and Mentoring Committee
Organizers: Lara Silverman, PhD and Kyle Allen, PhD

The goal of this session is to discuss the interview process for academic and industry positions following graduation and strategies that successful candidates during their job hunt. We will review tips and tricks for how to get an interview, prepare appropriately, and successfully navigate interview day. Unique aspects of academic versus industry interviews will be highlighted from experience interviewers who can provide key insights into evaluating potential candidates.

Interview/ Job Hunt Skills for Industry
David Vanderdoes, W L Gore

Interview/ Job Hunt Skills for Post-doc
Henry Donahue, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University

Experiences from Interviewing for Industry and Post-doc Positions
Rebecca Wachs, PhD, University of Nebraska

This session does not qualify for CME.

Monday, February 10

Investor Perspectives on Innovation and Academic Technologies

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Organized by the ORS Industry Engagement Committee
Organizers: Suzanne M. Tabbaa, PhD and Farshid Guilak, PhD

The Business innovation competition BIC was founded as a program to provide academics, clinicians, and students the opportunity and educational resources to develop an understanding for commercialization and develop a community to foster innovation. This session will complement the 2020 BIC program and provide ORS members the opportunity to learn more about fundraising and investment for technologies they are looking to transition into the commercial space. This session will include presentations and discussions from various investor perspectives to provide ORS members an understanding of the fundraising process for a technology and provide key insights from various experts.

Fundraising Mechanisms for Academic Start-ups: The Basics
Tiffany Wilson, MBA, Global Center for Medical Innovation

Understanding the Funding Ecosystem: Insights and Strategies to Raising Early Capital
Allison Long Pettine, Crescent Ridge Partners

The Other Markets
Ben Glenn, JD, A Matter of Innovation

The Art of Engagement and Pitching to Strategic Investors:  Academic and Early Stage Startups, Challenges and Successes
Nicholas Pachuda, DPM, Global Vice President, Orthopedic Innovation, Johnson & Johnson

Perspective and Direction of Investment and Innovation in Orthopaedics
Roland Herzog, PhD, AO Foundation, Switzerland

*This session does not qualify for CME.

Understanding and Addressing our Own Implicit Biases

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Organized by the ORS Women’s Leadership Forum and ORS New Investigator and Mentoring Committee
Organizers: Jennifer Woodell-May, PhD and Spencer Szczesny, PhD

No matter your gender, race, or ethnicity, we all perceive the world through a lens colored by our individual experiences. We all harbor implicit biases/prejudices that distort our perspectives. In many cases, these biases are innocuous heuristics that are necessary to navigate the numerous choices we make on a daily. However, often these biases influence larger decisions and behaviors that negatively impact others and support existing social disparities. The major goals of this workshop are to learn how to recognize bias in oneself (and others) and how to effectively/constructively manage it. Importantly, we want to provide a safe space for people to express instances of bias that they may have experienced or unwittingly acted on towards others. Through education and open discussions, we can highlight strategies for empathy, awareness, and inclusion to reduce prejudices and create a more open and inviting work environment.

Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias
Ronald Lindsey, MD, UTMB Health

Counteracting Unconscious Bias
Travelle Franklin-Ford Ellis, MD, PhD, Zimmer Biomet

Tuesday, February 11

Leveraging a Sabbatical to Invigorate Your Research Program

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 

Organized by the ORS New Investigator and Mentoring Committee
Organizer: Alayna Loiselle, PhD

This session will explore several topics related to successfully planning for and completing a sabbatical.  The sabbatical is an important opportunity for mid-career and senior investigators to devote protected time to gain additional training, develop collaborations or pursue new research directions.  This experience can lay a strong foundation for the next stages of an investigators career.  In this session we will discuss topics including identifying sabbatical collaborators/ hosts, how to negotiate for and justify a sabbatical, including perspectives from a department chair.  We will also discuss how to manage your lab, possibly remotely, during the sabbatical, how to maintain collaborations post-sabbatical and how to maximize the professional value of the sabbatical, as well as potential personal and family considerations of the sabbatical.

Strategies for a Success Before, During and After a Sabbatical
Chris Hernandez, PhD, Cornell University

International Sabbatical Opportunities and Challenges
Ronald June, PhD, Montana State University

Sabbatical Planning and Negotiation from the Department Chair Perspective
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD, Cornell University

Developing and Sustaining Mentoring Relationships Throughout Your Career

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Organized by the ORS New Investigator and Mentoring Committee
Organizer:  Joshua Roth, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Throughout our orthopedic research careers, developing and sustaining mentoring relationships is a key component to building a successful and fulfilling career. A mentoring relationship is a two-way street so as we advance through our careers, we must be effective at both giving and receiving mentorship. An effective mentoring relationship is one that is mutually beneficial for both the mentor and mentee, rather than taxing for the mentor and discouraging for the mentee. The purpose of this session is to learn tips, tricks, and tools that can be used throughout our careers to develop and sustain effective mentoring relationships regardless of our career path. We will learn personal tips and tricks along with more formal tools (e.g. individual development plans) from successful academic faculty, clinician-scientists, and industry representatives that they have used to develop and sustain effective mentoring relationships as both a mentor and a mentee.

Early-career Faculty Perspective on Mentoring
Corinne Henak, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Early-career Faculty Perspective on Mentoring
Mariana Kersh, PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Mid-career Faculty Perspective on Mentoring
Timothy Griffin, PhD, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Industry Perspective on Mentoring
Jeffrey Bischoff, PhD, Zimmer Biomet

Clinician-Scientist Perspective on Mentoring
William Mihalko, MD, PhD, University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic