Planning, Preparing, Conducting and Reporting of Preclinical Studies

February 7, 2020, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Phoenix, Arizona

The ORS Preclinical Models Section is excited to offer a half day workshop for young and new investigators. The workshop will include keynote and short talks from students/trainees.

Program Agenda



Picking the right model
Designing an animal study
Choosing appropriate outcome measures
Power calculations and statistical analysis


Team involvement
FDA/ regulatory needs

Conducting and reporting

Anesthesia/ analgesia/ euthanasia
In vivo assessment

Wrap Up/Conclusion


ORS Preclinical Models Sections
Registration is required, but there is no additional fee to attend the workshop.

Non-ORS Preclinical Model Section Members
Registration fee: $75.00 

How do I join an ORS Section?

ORS Members
If you are currently an ORS member, and would like to add a Section membership, please complete the Join an ORS Research Section application.

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Join the ORS and an ORS Section today by completing the online membership application.