Monday, February 15
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Recognition of the 2021 Class of ORS Fellows
Mauro Alini, PhD Benjamin Alman, MD Bruce Beynnon, PhD, MS Scott Boden, MD Lawrence Bonassar, PhD Barbara Boyan, PhD Scott Bruder, MD, PhD Denis Clohisy, MD Daisuke Sakai, PhD Henry Donahue, PhD Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD Warren Haggard, PhD Clark Hung, PhD James Iatridis, PhD Gun-il Im, PhD Lynne Jones, PhD Rita Kandel, MD James Kang, MD Francis Lee, MD, PhD Gayle Lester, PhD | Gang Li, MD, PhD Richard Lieber, PhD Gloria Matthews, DVM, PhD Rob Mauck, PhD George Muschler, MD Fred Nelson, MD Maurizio Pacifici, PhD Cathleen Raggio, MD Geoff Richards, PhD Scott Rodeo, MD Robert Sah, MD, ScD Hamish Simpson, PhD Lou Soslowsky, PhD Rick Sumner, PhD Rocky Tuan, PhD Jennifer Wayne, PhD Stuart Weinstein, MD Mark Wilkinson, MD Michael Yaszemski, MD, PhD Clare Yellowley, PhD |
JOR Excellence and Early Career Awards
Excellence in Basic Science Award
Abdul Wahed Kajabi, Victor Casula, Simo Ojanen, Mikko A Finnilä, Walter Herzog, Simo Saarakkala, Rami K. Korhonen, Mikko J Nissi, Miika T. Nieminen
Excellence in Clinical Science Award
Min Zhang, Thomas Gregory, Ulrich Hansen, Cheng-Kung Cheng
Excellence in Translational Science Award
Hua Shen, Susumu Yoneda, Yousef Abu-Amer, Farshid Guilak, Richard H. Gelberman
Early Career Award
Daniel Youngstrom, PhD
CTRP3 Regulates Endochondral Ossification and Bone Remodeling During Fracture Healing
Co-authors: Robert L. Zondervan, Nicole R. Doucet, Parker K. Acevedo, Hannah E. Sexton, Emily A. Gardner, JonCarlos S. Anderson, Priyanka Kushwaha, Hannah C. Little, Susana Rodriguez, Ryan C. Riddle, Ivo Kalajzic, G. William Wong, Kurt D. Hankenson
William H. Harris, MD Award
Alireza Borjali, PhD
Co-authors: Antonia F. Chen, Orhun K. Muratoglu, Mohammad A. Morid, Kartik M. Varadarajan
JOR Spine Early Career Award
Zhen Li, PhD
Uruj Zehra, PhD
Stryker/ORS Women’s Research Fellowship
Koren Roach, BS, PhD
ORS/ON Foundation Orthoregeneration Award
ON Foundation Keynote Speaker
William Taylor, PhD
Kinematics of the Knee Joint in Action
The knee is an outstanding musculoskeletal structure that provides strength and flexibility to enable balance and movement, and an understanding of each individual’s joint motion seems to be the key to implant selection and true kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty. However, accurate assessment of its movement patterns is challenging: Not only does soft tissue artefact complicate assessment of the underlying skeletal kinematics, but tracking the joint throughout both loaded and unloaded phases of functional movements is extremely difficult.
William (Bill) Taylor is Professor of Movement Biomechanics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Through developing medical engineering concepts for evaluating joint stability and stiffness, as well as accurate and robust techniques for assessing motion patterns, his goal is to identify movement pathologies at an early time point, hence allowing therapies to be targeted at the specific individual. In this talk, he will present the group’s tracking dual-plane fluoroscope, which has the potential to revolutionize the assessment of knee pathologies by providing accurate and dynamic access to skeletal movement patterns.