Seeking Your Ideas for the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting
The ORS Research Council is seeking ideas to inject innovations in the Annual Meeting Program. Efforts will be taken to incorporate the most meritorious and feasible ideas in the selection of topics and speakers at the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting, February 13 – 16, 2021 in Long Beach, California.
Part 1: General
On the form, you will be asked to answer the following questions providing sufficient details and scientific and clinical rationale:
New Technologies Topics/Speakers
What is an exciting technology that you would like to see featured at the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting? Please elaborate on its relevant to the scientific interests of the ORS members.
ORS Symposia (~90-minutes sessions)
Symposia are proposed to engage the audience in a dialogue on hot topics and emerging paradigms in orthopaedic science with panels of experts representing basic, translational, clinical and regulatory perspectives. These symposia could be initiated by the ORS Research Council, Program Committee, Scientific Sections and RIGs, or the ORS members. Please propose Topics (and Speakers, if possible) for these symposia.
Bench to Bedside Innovations and Advances
Please propose Topics (and Speakers, if possible) for innovative sessions that bring together Clinicians, Basic Scientists, and Clinical Trial Experts.
Back to the Basics Sessions
These sessions are proposed to bring foundational knowledge and historical perspective to our meeting participants, highlighting important discoveries made 30+ years ago and how they have influenced the field. Please propose distinguished speakers to present in these sessions.
Part 2: ORS Symposia
General Information
- We know that some symposia/panel discussions would benefit by including a speaker outside the orthopaedic or musculoskeletal field, or someone who may not be a member of the ORS. In this case, the Research Council will review the suggested topic speakers.
- We encourage you to include a diverse group of speakers on your list.
We will require Session Title, Clinical Relevance, up to 400-word description, and suggested Speakers
Please submit your ideas on or before Wednesday, April 15!
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for sharing your great ideas.