Your work can still be a part of the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting! The ORS Scientific Program Committee invites submissions on ground-breaking, innovative scientific research on musculoskeletal disease.
Podium session(s) will be dedicated to some Late Breaking abstracts. The remainder of the accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.
Late Breaking Abstract submission Deadline: Monday, November 16 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Late Breaking Acceptance Notices will be sent to presenting authors on Wednesday, December 3, 2020.
When submitting your late breaking abstracts for the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting, you will be asked to select the following:
- Topic category (listed in bold)
- Subtopic category (if applicable)
- Keyword(s)
Topic/Subtopic Categories
Biomaterials Controlled Release Orthopaedic Implant Materials Repair / Replacement of Hard Tissues Repair / Replacement of Soft Tissues Scaffolds Bone Diseases and Disorders Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Mechanobiology Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics Cartilage and Synovium Diseases and Disorders Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Mechanobiology Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics Clinical Research Big Data Research Clinical Research Methods Observational Studies Omics, Biomarkers Genetics Randomized Studies Systematic Review / Meta-analyses Foot and Ankle Diagnosis and Imaging Disorders Kinematics/Kinetics Operative Treatment Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Imaging Osteoarthritis Surgical and Therapeutic Innovation Tendon, Ligament and Neuromuscular Disorders Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Clinical Outcomes Complications/Infections Implant Materials, Fixation and Wear Kinematics and Computational Modeling Robotics and AI | Hip Diagnostics Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions Imaging Image Analyses Hard Tissue Soft Tissue Infection Biomarkers and Outcomes Treatment and Therapeutics Intervertebral Disc Diseases and Disorders Growth, Development and Aging Injury, Healing and Pain Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics Knee Diagnostics Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions Meniscus Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics | Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty Diagnostics Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions Skeletal Muscle Diseases and Disorders Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics Spine Diagnostics Growth, Development and Aging Injury, Healing and Pain Structure, Function and Mechanics Surgical and Non-Surgical Interventions Tendon and Ligament Diseases and Disorders Growth, Development and Aging Injury and Healing Structure, Function and Mechanics Treatment and Therapeutics Tumors Genetics Metastatic Primary Tumors Treatment and Therapeutics |
The late-breaking poster abstract category allows for the submission of truly late-breaking scientific research for which no preliminary data was available at the time of the September 30, 2020 abstract submission deadline.
Work that has been accepted prior to the ORS late-breaking submission deadline of November 16, 2020, for publication as a manuscript or will be presented prior to the ORS meeting in February 2021 is ineligible for consideration. Please note: Abstracts presented at an ORS regional meeting do not fall under these guidelines.
This category is not a mechanism to allow for updated data to complement preliminary research abstracts that were submitted by the general submission deadline of September 30.
- Abstract are submitted with the understanding when accepted the presenting author will participate in the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting All Access by registering for the meeting and providing audio of their accepted abstract either as a podium or a poster.
- The abstract submitted is based upon the best available evidence and does not promote or recommend relevant products or services as part of the abstract presentation.
- Abstract must present results of work substantially performed prior to submission.
- No two abstracts that share one or more authors may overlap significantly in content.
- Complete ALL steps of the submission.
- Authors should create their abstract in a Word document following the ORS Formatting Guidelines.
- Make sure the abstract is one-page and lists all authors.
- Copy and paste the text of the abstract from the Word document into the online submission.
- Upload images/tables to support your abstract online. Three images and/or tables are allowed per abstract.
- SAVE THE FILE AS A PDF. The PDF file will be the final abstract used for the mobile app and ORS website. (Please make sure ALL authors are listed on the PDF.)
- You will not be able to make any edits to late breaking submitted abstracts.
- Acceptance notices will be sent on Wednesday, December 3, 2020.