Ready, Set, Pitch: Learn How to Effectively Communicate a Great Idea

Monday, February 15
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM 

Deadline to Submit Executive Summary: November 13, 2020

Organizers: Nicholas Pachuda, JLabs; Evan Goldberg, PhD, Global Center for Medical Innovation; Suzanne Tabbaa, PhD; Lara Silverman, PhD; Farsh Guilak, PhD, Commercialization & Innovation Group 

Communication, how to tell a story, and the art of pitching are tools that can benefit participants from all levels and disciplines. This unique opportunity allows participants of all levels to receive coaching from experienced business development experts, investors, and serial entrepreneurs to deliver an effective pitch for an idea. This program is not a pitch competition, but an exciting opportunity to learn how to communicate your idea and receive feedback from experts. Participants can range from early stage start-up companies to individuals with a good idea – no company formation is required.

Interested individuals will be required to submit an Executive Summary (please use this template) and 3-minute video pitch (MP4 format preferred) no later than Tuesday, November 13, 2020.

Four teams will be selected to participate in this program.

The teams will meet regularly prior to the Annual Meeting with a team of coaches who include orthopaedic industry leaders, investors, and successful serial entrepreneurs.

The workshop at the ORS Annual Meeting will showcase the initial pitches submitted, provide informative talks from the coaches on the lessons learned from the participating teams, and provide the teams the opportunity to deliver their final pitches. Participants will learn useful tips and tricks for pitching and effective communication of their ideas.

Please note: When uploading the Executive Summary and 3-minute video pitch, please include the submitter’s last name in the file name (jones.mp4).