ORS Global Networking Lounge
(Open throughout the Annual Meeting)
Join us throughout the ORS 2021 Annual Meeting! The Global Networking Lounge is held on an easy-to-use video chat platform where meeting attendees can network and socialize face to face. Stop in between presentations – the platform will be available 24/7 for our meeting participants around the globe! The video platform allows users to roam around the space similar to an in-person experience.
Friday, February 12, 8:00 AM -Tuesday, February 16, 2:00 PM
Saturday, February 13, 1:00 AM – Wednesday, February 17, 8:00 AM
ORS Section Member Virtual Reception
Friday, February 12, 2021
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Section members are invited to join the entire ORS Section membership community in celebrating our first virtual Annual Meeting and Section Scientific Meetings! This Section members only event will take place on an easy to use spatial video chat platform. Attendees can virtually move around the space and enjoy a night of reunions, games, and fun.
ORS Virtual Reception
Join the ORS community in celebrating our first virtual Annual Meeting! This reception is a great way to see friendly faces and visit with fellow meeting attendees. The event will take place on an easy to use spatial video chat platform, where guests can virtually walk around the space and enjoy a night of reunions, games, and fun.
Make the most of the ORS Virtual Session by following these tips!
Saturday, February 13
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Saturday, February 13
11:59 PM – 1:00 AM
Sunday, February 14
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Twitter Meetup
Monday, February 15, 2021
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Pacific Time)
For our members who love to chat and post on social media, catch up face-to-face with those who frequently interact online! An informal tradition for ORS, join us at this virtual meetup taking place on a spatial video chat. See friendly faces and enjoy a night of fun!
ORS Innovation Network Reception
Monday, February 15, 2021
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Are you interested in learning about commercialization, seeing cool ideas, or just networking with a fun group of entrepreneurs and members excited about commercial translation? Join us for our first ever Innovation Network virtual meet up!
Meet & Greet: Junior Faculty Investigators/PostDocs
Monday, February 15, 2021
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Organized by the ORS Ambassadors and ORS New Investigator Mentoring Committee
The ORS Ambassadors and ORS New Investigating Mentoring Committee are joining forces to launch an ORS Community Network (after ORS 2021) for junior faculty investigators, specifically focusing on those transition from postdoc to faculty and working through the first several years of the faculty appointment. We are seeking feedback to understand what programming would best serve this community, and hoping to provide a safe space for collaboration and networking within the ORS. Please join us for a casual networking and social hour to kick-start this community!