ORS 2022 Programming
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Part II of our popular LearnORS Art of Grant Writing online course. Part II in the interactive portion of the course that includes a Specific Page Aims Lab providing participants with the opportunity to prepare and revise a specific aims page, the most important page of the grant application, with expert faculty. A subset of grants submitted by registrants will be reviewed during a LIVE Mock NIH Study Section. Don’t miss out on the networking and mentoring opportunities and the real time feedback you will receive from faculty and NIH officers.
With support provided by:
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
ORS Preclinical Models Section
Joshua Cohen, MD, and Laurie Goodrich, DVM, PhD
Choosing the appropriate preclinical model when taking an idea from bench to bedside means the difference between success and failure of bringing an idea to market in research. Utilizing the correct animal model is not easy and many of us fall into similar traps in that we use the model that we are familiar with, or that is financially viable but not entirely applicable. Often, we learn best from experiences of others that have had wonderful successes and even more impactful, epic failures.
Three teams of investigators (each a basic scientist and a clinician) have brought an idea from bench (in vitro) to bedside (in vivo) successfully using preclinical models. These teams will highlight the lessons learned along the way including:
- How the appropriate animal models were chosen
- FDA implications
- How proper numbers of animals were decided upon and their valuable insights if they “had to do it all over again”.
Attendees will have the opportunity submit questions and be part of the interactive conversation. Ample discussion time is planned for each segment of the workshop.
1:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Computational Modeling to Support Implant Design and Evaluation and Clinical Decision Making – Practical Considerations on Model Credibility
ORS Orthopaedic Implants Section
Jeff Bischoff, PhD and Jonathan Gustafson, PhD
This program is geared towards investigators at all career stages with a focus on students, post-graduate trainees, early career, and industry attendees. Researchers who are active in translational applications of computational modeling and simulation (CM&S), or who collaborate with and use models from such researchers.
Culminating from 3 virtual scientific sessions held in 2021, this program will include:
- High level review of key points from the virtual scientific sessions. Check out the recordings.
- Presentation of specific case studies by participants taken to completion (or near completion), with lessons learned
- Abstract-based session on other CM&S applications, focused on content from students, post-graduate trainees and early career attendees
- Panel discussion with academic, industry, and clinical leaders in the CM&S space.
Following program, organizers and interested attendees will meet to identify the feasibility of extending the series into annual programming TBD.
Registration for this program is required:
Orthopaedic Implants Section Members: $0
Non-Members: $50
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Inspiring Transformation in Impaired Fracture Healing Treatment
ISFR Members Only
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Scientific Meeting
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Networking
This scientific meeting focused on fracture non-union will present clinical aspects of non-union diagnosis and treatment, application of cutting edge technologies underutilized in orthopaedics, and research from our section’s emerging scientists. Recipients of our newly created Travel Exchange Grant and Life-Time Achievement Award will also present. A networking reception will immediately follow.
This meeting will be for ORS ISFR Section members only. Non-Section members and non-members will be able to sign up for ORS and/or Section membership at the door. The networking event will be for ORS ISFR Scientific Meeting attendees only.
6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Powered by the ORS Membership Committee
Join us for a casual get together to kick-off the annual meeting, learn more about ORS and the ORS Annual Meeting. Meet other fellow attendees from all over the world and establish new connections in the community to kick off the meeting in Tampa!
Registration includes a drink ticket and light snacks.
Registration fee: $10.00
ORS 2022 Programming
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
ORS Presidential Address; Peter Amadio, MD
ORS President, Dr. Peter Amadio, will welcome meeting attendees, introduce the ORS Board of Directors and deliver his ORS Presidential Address.
Recognition of 2022 Guest Nation: The United Kingdom
It is our honor and privilege to invite the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS) to represent the United Kingdom as our ORS 2022 Guest Nation. BORS members have contributed significantly to the field of orthopaedic research and to the ORS as an organization.
Recognition of Guest Orthopaedic Clinical Society: Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)
The Orthopaedic Trauma Association has been selected to be our ORS 2022 Guest Orthopaedic Clinical Society. OTA members have contributed significantly to field of orthopaedic research. Bringing our organizations together in our new Guest Orthopaedic Clinical Society program will only strengthen those bonds and improve collaboration toward our common goals.
Keynote Speaker: Lindsey A. Criswell, MD, MPH, DSc
Dr. Criswell became Director of NIAMS in February, 2021. Previously, she served as vice chancellor of research at the University of California, San Francisco, as well as professor of rheumatology, and professor of orofacial sciences. Her research focuses on the genetics and epidemiology of human autoimmune disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. She also has mentored many students and junior faculty to independent research careers. Dr. Criswell earned a bachelor’s degree in genetics and a master’s degree in public health from the University of California, Berkeley; a DSc in genetic epidemiology from the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences, Rotterdam; and an M.D. from UCSF. Dr. Criswell is board certified in internal medicine and rheumatology.
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Authors will be available at EVEN numbered posters.
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM
This session has been postponed.
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Spotlight: Stem Cells for Cartilage Repair: Are We There Yet? (Spotlight Speaker: Brian Johnstone)
NIRA – Biomaterials and Therapeutics
Intervertebral Disc – Pathophysiology and Biomechanics
Shoulder Mechanics and Morphology
Immune Regulation in Tendon Disease and Healing
12:15 PM – 3:00 PM
This meeting has been postponed. More information coming soon!
Section Members Only
Saturday, February 5, 2022
12:15 PM – 3:00 PM
We will hear unique perspectives from key stakeholders in basic science research and clinical medicine and hold panel and round table discussions to better understand current clinical challenges that basic scientists and engineers can work to address with significant clinical impact. The meeting promises to be a fun and interactive forum for trainees and established investigators to share ideas and debate the future of spine research.
The meeting will include:
Business Meeting
Poster Pitch Session
From invited ORS Spine Section Student and Post-Graduate Trainee members based on submitted abstracts to the ORS 2022 Annual Meeting. More information coming soon!
Moderators: TBA
Clarifying Cross-Talk With the Intervertebral Disc to Resolve Clinical Spine Problems
Raj Rampersaud, MD, University of Toronto
Jeannie Bailey, PhD, UCSF
Stefan Dudli, PhD, University of Zurich
Roundtable Discussion
Panel and Audience Discussion
This meeting will be for ORS Spine Section members only with a boxed lunch provided. Non-Section members and non-members will be able to sign up for ORS and/or Section membership at the door.
Advancing Meniscus Research Using Techniques and Lessons Learned from Fellow Musculoskeletal Tissues
Section Members Only
Saturday, February 5, 2022
12:15 PM – 3:00 PM
The meeting will include:
Ice Breakers
Organized by: ORS Meniscus Section Communications & Networking Committee
ORS Meniscus Section Plenary: Deriving embryonic cells for the regeneration of dense connective tissues
Alice Huang, PhD, Columbia University
Matthew Koff, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery
Jennifer Robinson, PhD (Membership Chair), University of Kansas
Poster Pitch Session
From invited ORS Meniscus Section members based on submitted abstracts to the ORS 2022 Annual Meeting. More information coming soon!
Alejandro Almarza, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Salomi Desai, Brown University /Rhode Island Hospital
Podium Short Talks
Microstructural imaging of human meniscus ex vivo
Simo Saarakkala, PhD, University of Oulu, Finland
CRIPSR – Solutions for Fibrocartilage and Beyond
Robert Bowles, PhD, University of Utah
Bridge-Enhanced ACL Restoration: Taking a novel product from concept to clinic
Martha Murray, MD, Harvard Medical School
Marianne Black, PhD, Stanford University
Jay Patel, PhD, Emory University
This meeting will be for ORS Meniscus Section members only with a boxed lunch provided. Non-Section members and non-members will be able to sign up for ORS and/or Section membership at the door.
With support provided by:
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Workshop: Interfaces in Orthopaedic Research (Guest Nation: British Orthopaedic Research Society)
Guest Nation – British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS)
Organizers: Deborah Mason, PhD, Catherine Pendegrass, PhD, Mark Wilkinson, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCS
Interfaces occur between tissue types with differing material properties, and cell and matrix components. Age, disease, and trauma can influence interactions between interfaces. This Workshop will focus on the importance of such interfaces in the joint and how they are considered in various models. It will describe current research on interfaces between different biological tissues in both disease and sports -related injury models and question whether our models of these interactions are appropriate. Full consideration of interactions between tissues and improvement of the models used to study interfaces would develop our understanding of potential intervention strategies and regenerative therapies.
Workshop Outline
Mark Wilkinson MB, ChB, PhD, FRCS
University of Sheffield
The Tendon-Bone Interface
Catherine Pendegrass, PhD
University College London
Bone Nerve Interface
Prof Deborah Mason, PhD
University of Cardiff
Cartilage Bone and Inter Tissue Interfaces in the Intervertebral Disc
Christine Le Maitre, PhD
Sheffield Hallam University
Symposium: Temporal Implants in Orthopaedics: Current Concepts, Limitations, and Future Directions
This session has been postponed.
Workshop: Human Cell-derived Microphysiological Systems: An Emerging Model for Orthopaedic Research
Organizers: Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD, Bruce Bunnell, PhD
Microphysiological systems (MPSs) have been proposed as new models for simulating human diseases and for screening potential drug treatments. Currently, the application of MPS in orthopaedic research is still under development. Many investigators in the musculoskeletal research field may not be familiar with this concept and technology. Therefore, the workshop aims to provide an educational opportunity to introduce the basic concepts of MPSs and their applications. The invited speakers will also give examples of how the use of MPS can further our understanding of specific aspects of musculoskeletal diseases and provide a tool for the assessment of different treatments and interventions.
The NIH Microphysiological Systems Program: In Vitro Tools for Drug Development and Precision Medicine
Danilo Tagle, PhD
Integrated Human Multi-tissue Platform with Vascular Perfusion
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, PhD
Columbia University
Cartilage-Bone-Synovium MPS for studies of PTOA Disease and Treatment on Earth and in Space
Alan Grodzinsky, ScD
A Microphysiological System to Model Inflammation and Cell Cycle Regulation in Peritendinous Fibrovascular Scar Tissue
Hani Awad, PhD
University of Rochester
Joint-on-a-chip; A Novel Platform for Mechanistic Studies and Drug Testing for Osteoarthritis and Pain Management
Hang Lin, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Spotlight: Bone Precision Medicine (Spotlight Speaker: Todd McKinley)
NIRA – Cartilage Development and Osteoarthritis
Knee Biomechanics
Clinical Research – Methodology and Analysis
Hip Dysplasia
Organizers: Richard Debski, PhD, Robert Nims, PhD
Obtaining funding is critical for advancing your science. Towards this goal of supporting your scientific pursuits, Program Officers serve as a critical conduit between you, as an applicant, the funding institutions and panels. This session will target orthopedic researchers at various stages of training (trainees, early-career, mid-career, and established investigators) and offer an opportunity for one-on-one and small group networking and discussions with program officers and other officials from various funding agencies.
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Organizers: Sarah Greising, PhD, Megan Killian, PhD
Research suggests that at least 20% of women never negotiate. This can translate to a pay gap, decreased job satisfaction, and a greater exit from positions. Over a person’s career negotiations will span salary, start-up, resources, and position flexibility, among others. This session will provide tools and strategies for success and confidence in negotiations. Session speakers and panelists will provide examples from their career progression and their work in senior leadership positions. Speakers will span academic disciplines and industry roles.
Cathy Carlson, DVM, PhD, DACVP
University of Minnesota
Alice Huang, PhD
Columbia University
Michelle Caird, MD
University of Michigan
Jennifer Woodell-May, PhD
Zimmer Biomet
With support provided by:
This Research Interest Group has been canceled.
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Bone Growth, Development and Aging
NIRA – Disc, Shoulder and Tendon
Biomaterial – Cartilage Repair and Regeneration
Imaging – Basic and Translational Science
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty – Kinematics and Modeling
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
mRNA – A New Class of Drugs for Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration?
This RIG will offer an outstanding discussion on the latest advances in mRNA therapeutics and the challenges that this drug may face when applied to musculoskeletal tissue regeneration among three outstanding speakers. Professor Drew Weissman pioneered the discovery of nucleoside modifications to suppress mRNA immunogenicity. His work has revolutionized the field of mRNA therapeutics, and it was instrumental for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna. Professor Chris Evans has profound experience in the uses of gene therapy as technology platform to solve clinical problems involving bones and joints. He is the lead investigator in an ongoing clinical trial for the administration of sc-rAAV2.5IL-1Ra, a gene therapy carried by a virus, into the knee joint of patients with osteoarthritis. He has been acknowledged as father of musculoskeletal gene therapy. Professor John Cooke has a deep knowledge in fundamental and translational research, with particular emphasis in vascular regeneration. He has developed numerous therapeutic molecules to address various diseases. He is the founder of a Center for RNA Therapeutics that generates mRNA constructs for stem cell and cancer communities. They have experience in the synthesis, purification, validation, and delivery of RNA Therapeutics, for basic and clinical research.
At the end of this session, attendees will have learned about the advantages of mRNA applied to musculoskeletal repair. In particular, progression in fracture healing will be presented. In addition, remaining challenges of mRNA for this application will be presented and discussed. The attendees will have a unique opportunity to discuss these challenges with the keynote speakers. Possible solutions to tackle present challenges will be presented and discussed. Specifically, application of mRNA for protein expression; advantages of mRNA vs. DNA therapeutics; application of mRNA to musculoskeletal repair: State-of-the art and future perspective; needs and challenges in translating mRNA therapeutics to patient care for musculoskeletal repair.
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Join us in the Exhibit & Poster Hall (West and Central Hall) for a Poster Reception.
2022 ORS Future Faculty Poster Session Participants:
Alexandra R. Armstrong, University of Minnesota
Penny R. Atkins, University of Utah
Richard D. Bell, Hospital for Special Surgery
Amy Creecy, IUPUI
Kristine Fischenich, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Benjamin R. Freedman, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University
Michael A. Friedman, Virginia Commonwealth University
Arlyng Gonzalez-Vazquez, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Natalia S. Harasymowicz, Washington University St Louis
Minwook Kim, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Annemarie Lang, McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, University of Pennsylvani and Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin
Zhaoyang Liu, The University of Texas at Austin
Jill Middendorf, University of Minnesota
Axel Moore, University of Delaware
Anne EC. Nichols, Center for Musculoskeletal Research, University of Rochester Medical Center
Benjamin Osipov, UC Davis Health
Sarah J. Rice, Newcastle University
Koren Roach, University of California – San Francisco
Severin Ruoss, University of California San Diego
Joanna M. Sadowska, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Karanvir Saini, University of Pennsylvania
Jesse Shen, Spine Fellow
Aarti Shenoy, Hospital for Special Surgery
John T. Sherrill, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Guak-Kim Tan, Shriners Hospitals for Children
Solaiman Tarafder, Columbia University
Samantha R. Weaver, Mayo Clinic
Xin Wei, University of Nebraska Medical Center
With support provided by:
5:45 PM – 6:15 PM
This session has been canceled.
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
American Social
601 S Harbour Island Blvd #107
Tampa, FL 33602
The networking event will take place in an outdoor area. Registration will be required for all meeting attendees.
ORS Section Members – FREE
Non-Section Members – $40
Advance the Science underpinning Foot and Ankle Care by Promoting Communication and Fostering Collaborations
Four specific topics will be addressed during this 2-hour session which include: operative treatment, kinematics/kinetics, diagnosis and imaging, and foot and ankle disorders. Participants in this session can expect to get new insights in foot and ankle biomechanics, diagnoses and treatment, to get a better understanding of normal versus abnormal foot and ankle conditions and related biomechanical and diagnostic measurements, and to assess the research topics that are of interest and/or most relevant.
With support provided by:
ORS 2022 Programming
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Spotlight: New Metabolic Avenues for Disease-Modifying and Pain Drugs in Osteoarthritis (Spotlight Speaker: Mark Wilkinson)
Spotlight: Intervertebral Disc Imaging (Spotlight Speaker: Simon Tang)
Biomaterials – Soft Tissue Repair and Regeneration
Education and Outreach in Orthopaedics
Foot and Ankle – Kinematic and Kinetics
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (Guest Clinical Orthopaedic Society)
Program Lead: Chelsea Bahney, PhD and Michael Archdeacon, MD (OTA)
Identifying novel solutions to unmet clinical needs requires cross-disciplinary expertise and creative brainstorming find targeted and feasible approaches to previously unsolved clinical problems. This Session includes a presentation from an industry leader to explain the power and process of effective brainstorming followed by 3-4 short presentations by surgeons describing an unmet clinical need in their field of expertise. Attendees will then be divided according to their background into small groups and participate in guided brainstorming of solutions that could address one of the unmet clinical needs. The session will conclude with a report-out and discussion of the brainstorming results.
Successful Innovator Case Presentation
Michael Archdeacon, MD
When Damage is Not Isolated: The Challenges in Polytrauma
Todd McKinley, MD
Beyond the Bone: Unmet needs in Soft Tissue Management following Trauma
Joseph Hsu, MD
How Understanding Molecular Mechanisms in Fracture Repair can Lead to Novel Therapeutic
Philipp Leucht, MD
Training in Effective Brainstorming
Chelsea Bahney, PhD
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Presentation of Career Achievement Awards
Women’s Leadership Forum Award
Outstanding Achievement in Mentoring Award
ORS/OREF Distinguished Investigator
Scientific Achievement Awards & Presentations
Arthur Steindler, MD Award Recipient
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Authors will be available at ODD numbered posters.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Organizer: Linda J. Sandell, PhD, Editor in Chief, Journal of Orthopaedic Research
With the lack of print journals, research is discovered via search engines, not leafing through your favorite topical journal. Therefore there is more responsibility for authors to ensure that their articles are discoverable on the internet. The workshop will focus on use of key words in writing the title, abstract and headings of the manuscript, how to disseminate to your best readers and how to use social media to publicize your work. The goal is to increase discoverability, downloads and eventually recognition of our work in orthopaedic research.
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Program Leads: Ahmad Faizan, PhD, Jennifer Woodell-May, PhD
Much work in contemporary translational orthopaedic research is centered on utilizing pre-clinical methods to differentiate performance between therapies (drugs; devices; etc) and placebo, with the hope that this differentiation translates to a difference in clinical outcomes. Much clinical research similarly aims to differentiate clinical metrics (radiography; PROMs, etc) using statistical methods. However, the relationship (or lack thereof) between a statistically motivated conclusion from data and a true difference on patient care is not well understood. The goal of this workshop is to highlight ways to increase the clinical impact of pre-clinical and clinical research methodologies.
Defining Clinically Meaningful Benefit
Chris Swearington, PhD
Defining clinically meaningful benefit for pre-market clinical studies for the FDA
Glenn Stiegman, MS
Senior Vice President, Clinical and Regulatory Affairs
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Spotlight: Meniscus Degradation and Repair (Spotlight Speaker: Amy McNulty)
NIRA – Biology and Inflammation
Cartilage and Synovium – Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis: Lessons from Murine Models
New Approaches and Insights into the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Tumors
Tendon and Ligament – Development and Homeostasis
12:15 PM – 3:00 PM
Section Members Only
12:15 PM – 12:45 PM
This portion will be open to Section members only and will include a boxed lunch.
Open to All Annual Meeting Attendees
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
This portion of the meeting will be open to ALL registered annual meeting attendees.
Section Members Only
Sunday, February 6, 2022
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
Orthopaedic implants have been extremely successful in improving the quality of life for millions of patients. However, currently there are debates on what are the best clinical practices for implant alignment that will afford patients a best chance for optimal function and outcomes. This portion of our meeting will focus on clinical issues with implant support and alignment in total shoulder arthroplasty from a clinician’s viewpoint and a discussion on how the functional mechanics of the shoulder are best served by an academic engineer researcher. In total knee arthroplasty a discussion on newer alignment techniques and the theory behind kinematic alignment will be presented by a clinician and the issues with TKA joint modeling to determine the effects of implant design and alignment will be given by a corporate engineer.
This portion will be open to Orthopaedic Implants Section members only and will include a boxed lunch.
Open to all Meeting Attendees, based on availability (capacity of the room)
Sunday, February 6, 2022
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
This portion of the meeting will be focused on Additive Manufacturing (AM) and will be a debate style format on whether AM has made a difference in clinical care. The pro side of the argument will be tackled by Hospital for Special Surgery by a clinician and an engineer researcher. The con side of the argument will be presented Rush University Medical Center by a clinician and an engineer researcher.
This portion of the meeting will be open to ALL registered meeting attendees. However, admittance to the meeting will be based on availability (capacity of the room).
Section Members Only
Sunday, February 6, 2022
12:15 PM – 1:50 PM
This portion will be open to Section members only and will include a boxed lunch.
The scientific meeting will have a combined focus on research, networking, and education. Our keynote speaker is an established, industry-based tendon biology investigator. Their presentation will focus on their path to a career in industry, outline the major functions of their job, and will include a Q&A session.
Section Plenary Speaker:
Rebekah Decker, MS, PhD, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research
Nat Dyment, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Alayna Loiselle, PhD, University of Rochester Medical Center
Roundtable Networking Session
This will tie into our networking portion. Networking tables will be focused on industry related topics including industry careers and industry collaborations, as well broad professional development topics.
Open to All Meeting Attendees, based on availability (capacity of the room)
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
This portion of the meeting will be open to ALL registered meeting attendees.
The research component will be a 3 minute thesis style competition for Section student and post-graduate trainee members selected from accepted abstracts to the ORS 2022 Annual Meeting.
Invited Participants TBA
Nat Dyment, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Alayna Loiselle, PhD, University of Rochester Medical Center
This portion of the meeting is open to ALL registered meeting attendees. However, admittance to the meeting will be based on availability (capacity of the room).
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Workshop: Unraveling Role of Cell Metabolism and Senescence in Intervertebral Disc Health and Disease
Organizers: Makarand Risbud, PhD, Nam Vo, PhD
Intervertebral disc is the largest vascular tissue in human body and this imposes a hypoxic state on the cells of the nucleus pulpous and annulus fibrosus. Additionally disc cells experience high mechanical loads and an hyperosmitic environment. This unique niche poses several challenge in terms of metabolic substrate availability and metabolic demands of the cells. Another interesting aspect of intervertebral disc niche is very limited cell division that occurs in disc compartments post skeletal maturity. Very recent work showed interesting contribution of key signaling molecules and metabolic pathways in maintenance of disc health as well as in models of disc degeneration. Likewise, role of cell senesce is now being explored as a possible contributor to disc degeneration. These are evolving fields and many important questions still remain unanswered. The goal of the workshop is to discuss what is known and highlight areas of investigation that require further work.
Unraveling Role of Cell Metabolism in Intervertebral Disc Health and Disease
Makarand Risbud, PhD
Thomas Jefferson University
Role of Cell Senescence in Intervertebral Disc Aging and Degeneration
Nam Vo, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Senotherapeutics as a Novel Strategy to Treat Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Lisbet Haglund, PhD
McGill University
Workshop: Single Cell Transcriptomics Approaches to Analyze Musculoskeletal Tissues
Organizers: Ling Qin, PhD, Farshid Guilak, PhD
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is now the most sought-after technique in musculoskeletal research laboratories all over the world. This technique was first reported in 2009 that studies the gene expression profile of a single mouse blastomere. The field of single cell transcriptomics analysis really took off after 2017, when 10x Genomics announced their platform, Chromium Controller, that is capable of analyzing ten thousands cells simultaneously at an affordable price. At such a large scale, scRNA-seq has the power to interrogate rare cell types, elucidate transitional states, delineate relationships among subpopulations, and predict the course of differentiation or reprogramming. Over the past decade, the application of scRNA-seq in both biological and clinical research has been immensely valuable, providing unexpected insights on the heterogeneity and functional specialization of tissues that previous techniques are unable to examine. These investigative possibilities have broad implications for medical advancement through the identification of novel targets for therapeutic intervention. To date, more than 40 articles have reported using this new technique to investigate the heterogeneity of musculoskeletal tissues and this number is exponentially growing over the time. More and more laboratories around the world are learning and adopting this technique for revolving their research questions. However, it is technically challenging to optimize cell isolation methods and computational demanding to properly interpret the sequencing data. For this workshop, we selected three ORS members as speakers, all of them having already applied this advanced technique to their own musculoskeletal research. These speakers come from different universities with different research programs, but all have published impactful articles in the past two years elucidating the heterogeneity of musculoskeletal tissues and developing new approaches/treatments for musculoskeletal disorders. Current scRNA-seq technique cannot extract the cell location information, thus misses an opportunity of investigating cell environment. Spatial transcriptomics represents the next frontier for advances in this field, and is now being vigorously pursued in many bioinformatics laboratories to analyze single cell gene expression profiles using histology sections. First proposed in 2015, MERFISH has evolved into an imaging method capable of simultaneously measuring the copy number and spatial distribution of hundreds to thousands of RNA species in single cells. For this workshop, we invite a non-ORS speaker who has published several articles since 2016 establishing the foundation of MERFISH method for spatial transcriptomic. Taken together, this workshop aims to present the most recent discoveries in the musculoskeletal field based on scRNA-seq approaches, to educate the audience about how to apply this advanced technique to their own research, and to introduce the next generation of single cell spatial transcriptomics approach. The target audience includes all basic scientists and clinic scientists who want to apply scRNA-seq approaches to their research.
The Emerging Power of Single Cell Transcriptomics on Musculoskeletal Tissues
Farshid Guilak, PhD
Washington University
Discovering Mesenchymal Cell Hierarchy in Bone: The Power of Single Cell RNA-sequencing
Ling Qin, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Predicting Your Fate or Misfortune Using Single Cell RNA and Single Nucleotide ATAC Sequencing: Using Single Cell Genomics to Understand Heterotopic Ossification
Benjamin Levi, MD
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Imaging the Transcriptome: Creating Tissue Atlases with MERFISH
Jeffrey Moffitt, PhD
Harvard Medical School
Antidepressants for Osteoarthritis?
Organizers: Fadia Kamal, PharmD, PhD, Reyad Elbarbary, PharmD, PhD, Michael Zuscik, PhD
For long time, the therapeutic benefits of antidepressants as disease modifying agents for osteoarthritis (OA) and for pain management have been anecdotal. Recently, scientific research has provided the basic foundation for the efficacy of particular anti-depressants in OA treatment, showing chondroprotective and chondroregenerative effects of the SSRI paroxetine, and demonstrating the effectiveness of the SNRI duloxetine in managing OA-associated pain. This workshop is designed to initiate discussions that engage both basic scientists and clinicians, which is of paramount importance for better understanding of the therapeutic potential of anti-depressants in managing this deliberating disease.
Pain Regulation in Osteoarthritis
Beth Winkelstein, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Antidepressants and Signaling Pathways: Dynamic Regulation of Chondrocyte Homeostasis
Fadia Kamal, PharmD, PhD
Penn State University
Antidepressants for Osteoarthritis, Who and When?
Robert Gallo, MD
Penn State University
Crosstalk Workshop: Advancing Orthopaedic Science Globally Through Digital Learning
International Federation of Musculoskeletal Research Societies (IFMRS)
Organizer: Jonathan Gustafson, PhD
It has never been more important to make research knowledge easily accessible to the current and next generation of musculoskeletal researchers, in a way that brings together basic and clinical research and enables the application of knowledge and data in practice. Digital platforms and databases today make this both easy and imperative, insofar as digital communications have changed the way that information is accessed and shared. The HubLE online learning environment developed by the IFMRS provides a platform for primarily early career researchers and young investigators in the musculoskeletal (MSK) field to access information and resources; share knowledge and learning; and engage in discussion and dialogue with other students and professionals from across the world. Often, data and evidence which could be useful in advancing MSK research is not able to be shared effectively or in a timely manner, owing to the many, often stringent requirements which must be met ahead of publication. Consequently, information gets ”stuck” in the system, and advances in research are delayed. As well as providing an easy-to-access repository of published information, HubLE encourages innovation and dialogue from a growing and genuinely global community of primarily early career researchers, thereby helping to advance knowledge rapidly and productively. Members of the ORS are among the prime contributors and beneficiaries of this knowledge exchange, which is transforming the way our global community is sharing information and learning from each other.
We’d like to make this engaging, so please do have a look at our MSK Knowledge Portal and HubLE and come armed with any questions, ideas or suggestions if you can!
Federico Moscogiuri
HubLE: A Learning Environment for Sharing Knowledge and Innovation
Jonathan Gustafson, PhD
Rush University
Building a Global Scientific Community for Early Career MSK Researchers Through Digital Networks
Karl Lewis, PhD
Cornell University
Next Generation Digital Platforms and Portals for Advancing MSK/Orthopaedic Research
Jennifer Westendorf, PhD
Mayo Clinic
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Join us in the Exhibit & Poster Hall for poster viewing.
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Program Leads: Yifei Dai, PhD, Bob Hastings, PE
The session inspires a quality mindset and provides essential knowledge on the quality management and activities for a successful translation of research outcome to a clinical product. The speakers share their wisdom and experiences regarding how good quality system/practice can address patient safety, manufactures cost reduction, and product development efficiency
Quality System, Workflow, and Considerations for Orthopedic Implants
Senior Manager, Quality Engineering, Operations, Exactech Inc.
Quality System, Workflow, and Considerations for Electronic Systems and Software as Medical Devices
Eric Moore, BS MBA
Design Quality Engineering Manager, Therapy Planning Solutions, Philips HealthCare
Quality System, Workflow, and Considerations for Orthopedic Biologic Products
Tracy TreDenick-Fricke, BA
Head of Regulatory and Quality, BioTechLogic
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Computational Modeling: A Critical and Complementary Tool for Advancing Orthopaedic Research
The objective of this session is to encourage ORS members to seek out new cross-disciplinary collaborations that integrate computational modeling tools into preclinical and clinical studies. Attendees will learn how to identify opportunities to integrate computational model-driven outcome measures into preclinical and clinical studies. The speakers will include practical examples of how models can provide insights not obtainable with other approaches. Speakers will also discuss their approaches to the challenge of developing easily interpretable model outputs. At the conclusion of the session, we will provide participants with a link to a survey asking about their modeling interests (tools and techniques), application areas (alignment with ORS program topics), and interests for future ORS Annual Meeting programming.
Connecting OA Phenotypes and Treatments: New insights Comparing Joint-Specific OA Pathology
This session will differentiate among OA pathology in the shoulder, hand, hip, and spine and comprehend their relation to knee OA, gain an appreciation for unique mechanical and molecular signatures of joint-specific OA phenotypes, and integrate basic and clinical research perspectives of OA pathologies to develop innovative translational strategies targeted to specific OA phenotypes.
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Spotlight: Randomized Trials to Inform Clinical Practice in Orthopaedics (Spotlight Speaker: Michelle Ghert)
NIRA – Muscle and Joint Mechanics
Bone – Injury and Healing
Resident/Fellows Podiums
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty – Complications, Wear and Infections
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM
Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award
Kappa Delta Ann Doner Vaughan Award
Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award
OREF Clinical Research Award
ORS 2022 Programming
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Powered by the ORS DEI Committee
The past year has heralded a groundswell of support for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in in academia, medicine, and industry. Nevertheless, scientists and clinicians often do not have the experience or knowledge of how to best create lasting structural change within their home institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this workshop is to educate the ORS community on best practices to promote DEI at their home institutions. As a two-part series, this in-person session was preceded by a Virtual Session, in which subject-matter experts presented best practices in DEI programs. During this workshop, the session leads will summarize key points from the virtual session for new participants before interactive, panel-led discussions. The panelists have experience leading DEI change at their respective institutions and will briefly present scholarly work, evidence, and experience in institutional change before leading discussions among the participants. Participants will gain a better understanding of current DEI efforts and share questions and experiences with panelists and fellow participants.
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD, Cornell University
Grace O’Connell, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Laurel Kuxhaus, PhD, National Science Foundation
Anthony Kirilusha, PhD, NIH
Daphney Chery, PhD, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow hosted at the Department of Defense
With support provided by:
Mechanobiology of Cartilage in the Context of Osteoarthritis and its Role in Regenerative Therapies
This RIG will focus on cartilage mechanobiology and its role in regenerative therapies in the context of osteoarthritis. The RIG will feature renown invited speakers aiming to foster the interchange of knowledge and to discuss new and cutting-edge approaches that help to understand how the mechanical environment contributes to cartilage health and disease at cell and tissue level. At the end of the meeting, there will be time for interactive interdisciplinary discussion, brainstorming and questions.
We expect participants of this RIG will work together and to define pathways to move multi-scale cartilage mechanobiology research forward.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Spotlight: Tendon Matrix Biology (Spotlight Speaker: Jess Snedeker)
Bone – Structure, Function and Mechanics
Knee Injury
Shoulder and Elbow – Arthroplasty
Organizers: Anne E.C. Nichols, PhD, R Baxter, PhD
Developing budgets that appropriately reflect the scope of work we propose in our grants is full of challenges and questions. How do I budget enough to complete the work? What if unforeseen events delay my deliverables? What if I change institutions? This Career Development program will answer these common problems that many of us have and will continue to experience throughout our careers. Established investigators will provide their experience developing budgets for NIH and Industry projects and a grants manager will address the common mistakes and tips for smooth and effective budgeting. Following the talks, we will have tables set up around the room for participants to ask experts in the field how to improve their own budgets.
Meghan McGee Lawrence, PhD
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University
Lara Silverman, PhD
LIS BioConsulting, LLC
With support provided by:
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Recognition of 2022 ORS Fellows
JOR Excellence and Early Career Awards
JOR Spine Early Career Award
Stryker/ORS Women’s Research Fellowship
ON Foundation Keynote Speaker
Christian Lattermann, MD
Posttraumatic OA: Cause, Effect and How to Harness it Biologically?
Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis is a common sequelae after joint injury in athletes of all ages. Particularly in the younger athlete it becomes a problem due to rapid progression and significant effects on activities of daily living. This key note lecture will address some of the root causes of PTOA: inflammation and mechanical contributors to disease progression. The lecture will address some of the underlying mechanisms and how the understanding of the course of the disease may offer potential avenues for treatment with newer approaches including mediators of tissue regeneration and Orthobiologics.
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Authors will be available at EVEN numbered Posters.
10:25 AM – 11:05 AM
More information coming soon!
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Spotlight: Growth Factors for Cartilage Preservation, Repair and Engineering (Spotlight Speaker: Stephen Trippel)
Knee Osteoarthritis
Factors Affecting Tendon Healing
A Focus on Translational Research
Skeletal Muscle – Mechanics of Physiology and Pathology
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Musculoskeletal Infection: Bridging Science to Clinical Practice
The Musculoskeletal Infection RIG will focus on practical aspects and potential therapy in infection management. In addition to an update of the ongoing consensus workgroup effort, there will be thought‐provoking subsections of the program discussing (1) how to transition in‐vitro biofilm research to in‐vivo testing (keynote), (2) the practical value of the fundamental biofilm formation theory ‘race to the surface’ (debate), (3) clinicians’ view of unmet needs in managing infections, and (4) new frontiers in the fight against infectious organisms including bacteriophage therapy, the potential of mRNA technologies and the use of the microbiome. We aim the program to be both informative and challenging to all levels of ORS attended including students, post‐graduate trainees and faculty.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Powered by the ORS Innovation Network
The purpose of the ORS Business Innovation Competition (BIC) program is to provide the resources and opportunity for clinicians and researchers of all levels in the field of musculoskeletal research to participate in a business plan competition to validate the market potential of their technology and develop a commercialization plan through expert mentorship and feedback to assist in translating their ideas from bench to market.
The actual pitch event will be held during 2022 ORS Annual Meeting. The BIC will include two sessions (podium and poster session). The top 3 finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their companies during an oral presentation session (10 min presentation and 10 min Q&A/Feedback). The session will include a panel of expert judges who will score their oral presentations based on an established ORS BIC scoring system.
The top 10 semi-finalists will compete during a poster session. Expert judges will score their 1-min elevator pitch and poster content based on ORS BIC scoring system. In addition to the pitch event competition, the ORS Innovation Network Group will host a networking event to provide an opportunity for participants and ORS members to network with experienced academics, clinical partners, and leading industry judges and supporters.
Learn more about the Business Innovation Competition (BIC).
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Symposium: Biomaterials for Tendon and Ligament Regeneration: From Bench to Commercialization
ORS Tendon Section
Organizers: Alayna Loiselle, PhD, Hani Awad, PhD, Kathleen Derwin, PhD
Recent advances in biomaterial design, coupled with an increased understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of tendon and ligament healing have resulted in a tremendous opportunity to advance clinical translation and success of biomaterials approaches to enhance healing. In this session we discuss the current state of the art for tendon/ligament biomaterial design and pre-clinical success criteria, as well as examine the translational pipeline from basic science idea to commercialization from the industry and academic perspective.
Preclinical Design Considerations
Johnna Temenoff, PhD
Georgia Tech University
Translational Perspective from Industry
Anthony Ratcliffe, PhD
Translational Perspective from Academia
Martha Murray, MD
Boston Children’s Hospital
Crosstalk Workshop: Preclinical Models of Impaired Fracture Healing
ORS International Section of Fracture Repair (ISFR), ORS Preclinical Models Sections, and British Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS Guest Nation)
Organizers: Chelsea Bahney, PhD, Uma Sankar, PhD
The gap between discovery and improving human health typically requires efficacy testing in preclinical models. In this proposed workshop ISFR and the preclinical models section co-jointly organize a workshop that aims to help researchers decide which preclinical model will best address their fracture and/or bone regeneration research goals.
Animal Models on Inflammaging in Bone
Georg Duda, PhD
Charite University
Animal Models for Non-union and Delayed Fracture Healing After Multiple Trauma
Melanie Haffner-Luntzer, PhD
Ulm University
Non-Unions: Matching your Model to the Clinical Scenario
Hamish Simpson, DM
University of Edinburgh
To Heal or Not to Heal: The Utility of Minipigs as Bone Healing Models
Melissa Kacena, PhD
Indiana University
Engineering Cell-based Approaches to Treat Critically Sized Bone Defects
Kent Leach, PhD
University of California Davis
Clinical Studies in Companion Animals to Accelerate Translation
Nicole Ehrhart, VMD
Colorado State University
Workshop: Energy Metabolism in Bone and Cartilage
Organizers: Audrey McAlinden, PhD, Roman Eliseev, MD, PhD
Bioenergetics is a key determinant of cell fate and function. The way by which cells utilize different fuels and produce energy influences multiple signaling mechanisms and the epigenetic milieu. Unlike cells of many other tissues, the metabolic needs and preferences of bone and cartilage cells are not fully understood and many questions remain to be answered in this controversial field of study. The goal of this workshop is to educate the participants on current research investigating different metabolic/bioenergetic pathways and systems in the context of cartilage and bone biology. In addition to learning about new research findings in the field, presenters will also provide some important historical background information on the bioenergetic system of interest and why they pursued this line of research in cartilage or bone. Another goal is to organize the presentation platform for emerging research from junior and mid-career investigators in the area of bioenergetics in skeletal tissues as well as stimulate new ideas and enhance future collaborations in the field.
Chondrocyte Metabolism: When Life Gives You Lemons
Mitchell Coleman, PhD
University of Iowa
Glucose Metabolism in Articular Cartilage Homeostasis
Jie Shen, PhD
Washington University
Targeting Mitochondrial Mechanobiologic Pathways in Orthopedic Soft Tissue Injury and Disease
Michelle Delco, DVM, PhD,
Cornell University
Make No Bones About It: Bone Metabolism is Complex
Roman Eliseev, MD, PhD
University of Rochester
Mitochondrial Stress Signaling in Osteoblasts
Anyonya Guntur, PhD
Maine Medical Center
Interrogating Amino Acid Metabolism in Osteoblasts: A New Role for Proline in Bioenergetics
Courtney Karner, PhD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Parathyroid Hormone Receptor (Bench to Bedside)
Teriparatide as a disease modifier in osteoporosis: The Forteo story
Susan Bukata MD
PTH1R agonists: From the chondrocyte, to cartilage, to potential disease modification in OA
Michael Zuscik PhD
Initial Results from the Forteo-OA Phase 2 Trial
Lou DeFrate PhD
Genome Editing for Mechanistic Insight and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Disorders
Organizers: Brian Diekman, PhD, Chris Nelson, PhD
The rapid development of CRISPR/Cas9 and related technologies has enabled efficient and specific genome editing. The request for workshop applications specifically mentions genome editing, highlighting the importance of this topic to our research community. While many ORS members will be familiar with the concepts of genome editing, the rapid expansion of variations and applications make this an intimidating research area for those that want to apply these tools for the first time. For example, those seeking to use editing for basic science applications would benefit from a practical tutorial on the use of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) in place of plasmid DNA, the use of deactivated Cas9 to deliver cargo to genomic locations without cutting DNA, and the manipulation of the cellular environment to enhance the rate of homology directed repair (HDR) for base pair changes. Investigators who desire to use genome editing as a therapeutic strategy will benefit from an in depth discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for delivering genome editing tools in vivo, as well as considerations with regard to the potential immune response.
Using CRISPR to Dissect the Genetic Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis
Brian Diekman, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Modulating Pain with CRISPR Epigenome Editing
Robby Bowles, PhD
University of Utah
Stem Cell-targeted Genome Editing Strategies to Advance Regenerative Medicine
Amy Wagers, PhD
Harvard University
Education in Orthopedics
Organizer: Sonia Bansal, PhD
Many trainees who wish to continue in academia choose to pursue education as a primary responsibility or pursue faculty positions at universities that require a nominal teaching load. However, many trainees and faculty are not exposed to pedagogical training. Workshops like this one are meant to bridge that gap and provide hands-on opportunities to trainees so they may learn about career opportunities and innovative methods in education.
Students Grading Themselves? No, Really!
Joe Towles, PhD
Stanford University
An Objective View of Learning Objectives
Laurel Kuxhaus, PhD
Clarkson University
Getting Active: How to Shape Your Teaching Practices
Jennifer Weiser, PhD
Cooper Union
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Spotlight: Bone Fracture Healing (Spotlight Speaker: Chelsea Bahney)
Cartilage and Synovium – Joint Tissues
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty – Clinical Outcomes
Foot and Ankle – Imaging and Modeling
Intervertebral Disc – Treatment and Therapeutics
Program Leads: Ata Kiapour, PhD, MMSc, Lara Silverman, PhD
Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in translating novel inventions and discoveries into a product or service that addresses unmet clinical needs in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. While licensing the technology to an existing company is one option, starting a brand-new company focused on the novel idea is another option. It may seem alluring to start a company, but there are significant hurdles and obstacles that must be faced. In this session, established Principal Investigators who have started companies based on their research will share their triumphs, challenges and tips for starting your own company. Also, they will describe how to balance their academic pursuits with their corporate ones.
Bradley T. Estes, PhD
President and Chief Operating Officer
Cytex Therapeutics, Inc.
Suzanne Maher, PhD
Associate Scientist
Hospital for Special Surgery
Co-Founder of AGelity BioMechanics
Martha M. Murray, MD
Orthopaedic Surgeon in Chief, Boston Children’s Hospital
Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Founder of Miach Orthopaedics
With support provided by:
Organizers: Hani Awad, PhD, Nat Dyment, PhD
David Butler, PhD
University of Cincinnati
Treatment of tendon and ligament injuries continues to be challenging despite active research since the 1970’s, in part due to the inability of repaired or reconstructed tissues to meet functional demands (e.g. in vivo forces). The evolution of tendon repair and ligament replacement procedures will be highlighted, supported by the efforts of researchers to measure in vivo forces in corresponding pre-clinical models, to discover structure-function relationships for these complex structures, and to develop criteria for the selection and use of autografts and allografts to sustain expected activities of daily living (ADLs). These advances led in the early 2000’s to a new sub-discipline called Functional Tissue Engineering in which guidelines and design limits were proposed for treatments to meet and even exceed these ADLs. This presentation will survey early successes and failures, which often led to modification of constituents and design strategies. The influence of other fields (e.g., cell and developmental biology, biomaterials, and bioreactor design) on functional tissue engineering will also be briefly examined. It is hoped that this review of 5 decades of research and clinical treatment might favorably influence not only fundamental research going forward but the future clinical treatment of tendon and ligament injuries.
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Spotlight: Racial, Ethnic, and Income-based Disparities in the Use of Joint Replacements (Spotlight Speaker: Caroline Thirukumaran)
Cartilage and Synovium – Mitochondria and Matabolism
Biomaterials – Bone Repair and Regeneration
Late Breaking Podium
Knee – Imaging and Reconstruction
Program Leads: Lara Silverman, PhD, Jeff Bischoff, PhD, Alayna Loiselle, PhD
Established experts with a diverse background (industry, academia, fundraising/legal, etc) will host roundtable discussions on topics such as managing teams, navigating career growth, handling conflict and enabling diversity in the workplace. Participants can choose which table to join and participate in discussions related to the presenter’s topic of choice.
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Join us in the Exhibit & Poster hall (West and Central Hall) for a Poster Reception.
ORS 2022 Programming
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Powered by the ORS DEI Committee & ORS Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF)
The program will consist of the playing of a customized video with members from the ORS community sharing their stories and experiences with mental health struggles. Following the video, a discussion will be lead to help attendees identify mental health resources and support people. We look forward to creating a safe space within ORS to discuss these challenges.
Dragonfly Mental Health
Registration includes a continental breakfast from 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM
Registration fee: $30.00
With support provided by:
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Bone – Treatment and Therapeutics
Cartilage and Synovium – Mechanics and Mechanobiology
Shoulder and Elbow – Biology and Biologics
Hand and Wrist
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty – Computational and Biomechanical Analysis
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Authors will be available at ODD numbered posters.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Incoming Presidential Address
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD, Incoming President
ORS Presidential Inauguration & Address
ORS Debate: Orthobiologics Can Delay Joint Replacements
Brian Feeley, MD University of California San Francisco
For the Motion
Constance Chu, MD Stanford University
Against the Motion
Scott Rodeo, MD Hospital for Special Surgery
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
Biomaterials – Implant Materials
Imaging – Translational and Clinical Imaging
Hip – Injury, Diagnostics and Treatment
Skeletal Muscle – Engineering and Therapeutics
Clinical Research – Genome Wide Studies and Metabolomics
How to Write a High-Impact Biosketch
Organizers: Pallavi Bhattaram, PhD, Josh R Baxter, PhD
Your biosketch is the critically important document that allows you to speak directly to your reviewers. It is a window into who you are as a scientist and why you are the best person to perform your exciting science! This program will cover some key aspects of a high-impact NIH biosketch and begin with 3 short talks from experts with advice on (1) how to write a compelling personal statement, (2) how to revise or write your first biosketch based on the new NIH guidelines, and (3) specific guidance for how to maximize the impact of a K-award biosketch. Following the talks, we will break into small groups for trainees or early stage investigators to ask specific questions to established researchers. Finally, we will regather to share our thoughts and ask the most common questions to the expert panel.
Nat Dyment, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Elise Morgan, PhD
Boston University
Braden Fleming, PhD
Brown University
With support provided by:
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM