Advancing Clinical Research Worldwide

About the Section

The mission of the Section is to create and expand a forum for orthopaedic clinical researchers to exchange ideas, and to collaborate on and catalyze new concepts in orthopaedic clinical research methodology and appraisal.

The Section aims to generate content for the ORS Annual Meeting that will attract new members and make the meeting a ‘must go’ meeting for clinical research investigators in orthopaedics.

Core Values:

Academic discourse

Background and Importance

The rapidly expanding list of concepts that need to be addressed in the design of clinical research has led to the development of a discipline that is independent of other areas of orthopaedic research. Clinical research is the critical step in the bench to bedside paradigm. All interventions need to be assessed empirically before incorporation into clinical practice.

Clinical research, if not conducted appropriately, can lead to delays in patient care advancement or result in the introduction of ineffective interventions into clinical practice and waste many resources. Orthopaedic clinical researchers are tasked with designing studies that are valid and feasible. Extensive knowledge of the valid design of clinical research studies is paramount to success in this field.

The complexity inherent in clinical research design dictates the need to provide a forum for orthopaedic clinical researchers to discuss topics that interest them specifically. Through academic discourse and collaboration, clinical research in orthopaedics has the potential to grow and flourish. This will be essential to advance clinical care of orthopaedic patients.

Important Research Topics/Questions

  • Randomized controlled trial design
  • Outcomes assessment
  • Minimization of bias in study design
  • Statistical approaches to sample size calculation and trial data
  • Open data
  • Trial registration
  • Patient recruitment patterns
  • Prospective cohort studies
  • Registry data
  • Factorial trials
  • Crossover trials
  • Cluster RCTs
  • Regression analysis and modelling
  • Secondary analyses
  • Meta-analyses
  • Network meta-analyses
  • Pragmatic trials
  • Handling missing data

Join the Section!

ORS Research Section Membership requires that you are currently an ORS member in good standing.  If you are already an ORS member you can join a section at any time. Section dues are $50.00.

If you are not yet a member, please join ORS and an ORS section by visiting the JOIN ORS page.

Questions? Please contact the ORS at [email protected], (847) 823-5770