The Annual ORS Art x Science Contest, formerly known as Art in Science, is a scientific image competition hosted by the ORS Ambassadors. Attendees are invited to submit scientific images associated with orthopaedic research or related science. The competition emphasizes the significance of art in science and aims to highlight musculoskeletal research.

Submission Details:

  • Submissions are due February 1st, 2025, at 11:59 pm Central
  • Images should be associated with research submitted to the symposium or other orthopedic science
  • Images will be assigned to one of three categories: AI-Generated,
    Hand Drawn, or Other Scientific Images
  • All images will be displayed in a PowerPoint slide at the ORS Booth during the ORS 2025 Annual Meeting
  • Up to 3 submissions per person (i.e., one submission per person per category)

Awards for Top Images:

  • The top three images for each category will be selected anonymously via “People’s Choice” onsite at the meeting
  • Submitters of the top three images will receive Amazon Gift Cards ($160, $110, and $60, respectively)
  • Awardees will be announced at the end of the Annual Meeting and will be promoted in the ORS Connect Newsletter and across social media platforms
  • Awards of Amazon gift cards ($25 each) to four random competition voters

To submit your image, please upload a high-resolution image (accepted formats: .tiff, .jpg, or .png) labeled as “yourlastname_yourfirstname_image” (e.g., David_Michael_Image) using the following Dropbox link below.

Please include the following information in a Word Document labeled as “yourlastname_yourfirstname_info” (e.g., David_Michael_info):

  1. Contact Email
  2. Submitting/Corresponding Artist Name
  3. University/Company
  4. Department/division
  5. Position (e.g., faculty, clinician, students, etc.)
  6. Are you a member of ORS (yes, no, or would like to be)
  7. Image is directly related to the abstract submitted for the ORS 2025 Annual Meeting (yes or no)
  8. Image title (clever and unique encouraged)
  9. Image description (3 sentence max)
  10. Details of the method of image acquisition/generation (e.g., type of microscope and magnification, digitized hand drawing, software/program, etc.). Note: if you use AI-generated images, you must provide the name of the software or the image will not be accepted.
  11. How did you hear about this Art x Science contest?
  12. Allow ORS Art x Science organizers to contact me in the future for events (yes/no)
  13. Do you know who your ORS Ambassador is for your region?
  14. Please confirm all of the following required statements for submission
    1. I, _______, confirm that the image is not published elsewhere in any form
    2. I, _______, confirm that ORS organizers can present the image at the ORS 2025 Annual Meeting and be promoted in the ORS Connect Newsletter and across social media platforms
    3. I, _______, confirm that the image can be available for the voting system at the event

Please contact Dr. Michael David at [email protected] with any questions.

Thank You and Good Luck!