ICORS establishes the International College of Fellows and Honorary status of Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR)

The International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) was established in 2013 at the 8th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies which has met consistently every three years since 1992.  It was at this Combined Meeting, hosted by the European Orthopaedic Research Society in Venice, Italy, that the charter of ICORS was signed by our founding members.  As part of our global mission to promote the advancement of learning, scholarship, and excellence, the ICORS International College of Fellows was established.

Nominees have been selected to be recognized with the honorary status of Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR) of the ICORS International College of Fellows. Nominees selected display a status of excellent professional standing and high achievements in the field of orthopaedic research.  Nominees are recognized for their accomplishments and as role models among their peers.

FIOR honorees shall foster professional interactions among each other and ICORS members, with research and medical practitioners, regulatory and legislative offices, and will promote public awareness of the profession of orthopaedic research, and promote and encourage professional and continuing education in orthopaedic research.

Pictured above: Class of 2022 FIOR

Professor Eng Hin Lee, MD (W. Ont), FRCS (C), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glas), FAMS (Sing)
Dato’ Dr. KS Sivananthan, MBBS, MCh (Ortho), FRCS

Gerald Atkins, PhD
Nathan Pavlos,
Jillian Cornish, PhD
John Costi, PhD
David Findlay, PhD
David Haynes, PhD
Bogdan Solomon
Jiake Xu, MD, PhD
Ming-Hao Zheng, PhD
Hala Zreiqat, PhD

George Bentley, MD, PhD
Gordon Blunn
Bruce Caterson, PhD
Trish Dolan, BSc, PhD
Sabina Gheduzzi, PhD
Allen Goodship
Cathy Holt, PhD
John Kenwright
David Marsh, MBBch, MA, MD, FRCS
Deborah Mason, PhD
Andrew McCaskie, MD
Richard Oreffo, MD, PhD
Brigitte Scammell, MD, PhD
Hamish Simpson
Mark Wilkinson, MD, PhD
Sophie Williams, PhD

John Antoniou, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Paule Beaule, MD, FRCPC
Frank Beier, PhD
Isabelle Catelas,  PhD, P.Eng
Derek Cooke, MD, MA, MB, FRCSC (Deceased)
Richard Cruess, MD, FRCS(C), FRS(C), OQ, CC
Jeffrey Dixon, DDS, PhD
Neil Duncan, PhD
Cy Frank, MD, FRCSC (Deceased)
Caroline Hoemann, PhD
Rita Kandel, MD, FRCPC
Mario Lamontagne, PhD
Sheila Laverty, DVM, DACVS, DECVS
John Matyas, PhD
Robert McCormack, MD, FRCSC Dip Sport Med
Fackson Mwale, PhD
Robin Poole, PhD (Deceased)
Cecil Rorabeck, MD, FRCSC (Deceased)
Peter Roughley, PhD (Deceased)
Norman S. Scharchar, MD, FRCSC (Deceased)
William D. Stanish, MD, FRCSC, MD, FRCSC
Hans K. Uhthoff, MD, FRCSC
Stephen Waldman, BASc, MScE, PhD, PEng
Cari Whyne, PhD
Janie Wilson, PhD
Albert Yee, MD, MSc, FRCSC

Professor Anmin Chen, MD
Professor Lin Chen, MD, PhD
Professor Kerong Dai, MD
Professor Lianfu Deng, MD, PhD
Professor Yue Ding, MD, PhD
Professor Shiqing Feng, MD, PhD
Professor Quanyi Guo, MD, PhD
Professor Shunxun Hou, MD
Professor Yunyu Hu, MD
Professor Qing Jiang, MD, PhD
Professor Baoguo Jiang, MD, PhD
Professor Zhongmin Jin, PhD
Professor Bin Li, PhD
Professor Gang Li, MD, PhD
Professor Hongbin Lu, MD, PhD
Professor Shibi Lu, MD
Professor Zhuojing Luo, MD, PhD
Professor William Lv, PhD
Professor Hongwei Ouyang, MD, PhD
Professor Guoxian Pei, MD, PhD
Professor Ling Qin, PhD
Professor Guixing Qiu, MD
Professor Tingting Tang, PhD
Professor Peifu Tang
Professor Wei Tian, MD, PhD
Professor Yan Wang, MD, PhD
Professor Zhengguo Wang
Professor Chengai Wu, MD, PhD
Professor Zhihong Wu, MD, PhD
Professor Guozhi Xiao, PhD
Professor Yingze Zhang, MD, PhD
Professor Xiaoling Zhang, MD, PhD
Professor Zezhang Zhu, MD, PhD
Professor Xuenong Zou, MD, PhD

Nicola Baldini, MD
Ashley Blom, MD, PhD
Denitsa Docheva, PhD
Richie Gill, PhD
Enrique Gomez-Barrena, MD, PhD
Bernd Grimm, PhD
Thomas Grupp, PhD
Lars Lidgren
Geoff Richards, PhD, FBSE
Neil Rushton
Klemens Trieb, MD
Catherine van der Straten, MD, PhD
Nico Verdonschot, PhD
Britt Wildemann

Masao Akagi, MD
Toru Akiyama, MD
Hirotaka Chikuda
Hiroyuki Futani
Yutaka Inaba
Muneaki Ishijima, MD
Hiromu Ito, MD
Manabu Ito
Yukihide Iwamoto
Takashi Kaito, MD
Fuminori Kanaya
Yoshiharu Kawaguchi
Tomoatsu Kimura
Morio Matsumoto, MD
Yukihide Minoda
Masashi Miyazaki
Joji Mochida
Hisateru Niki
Jun Nishida, MD
Atsushi Okawa
Taku Saito
Daisuke Sakai
Masato Sato
Katsuji Shimizu
Akihiro Sudo, MD
Michiaki Takagi
Kenji Takagishi
Jun Takahashi, MD
Masato Takao, MD
Nobuhiro Tanaka, MD
Sakae Tanaka
Yasuhito Tanaka
Akira Taniguchi
Atsushi Teramoto
Eiichi Tsuda
Yuji Uchio, MD
Masashi Yamazaki, MD
Natsuo Yasui
Atsushi Yokota, MD
Shinichi Yoshiya
Yasutsugu Yukawa
Masahiro Hasegawa

Professor Tae-Joon Cho
Professor Jae Yoon Chung, MD, PhD
Professor Gun-Il Im, MD, PhD
Professor Yang-Guk Jung, MD
Professor Myung Ho Kim, MD, PhD
Professor Hee Joong Kim, MD, PhD
Professor Jung-Ho Park
Professor Sang Cheol Seong, MD, PhD
Professor Hwang Sung Kwan, MD, PhD
Professor Young-Kyun Woo, MD, PhD

Mauro Alini, PhD
Peter Amadio, MD
Hani Awad, PhD
Chelsea Bahney, PhD
Joan Bechtold, PhD
Bruce Beynnon, PhD
Adele Boskey, PhD (Deceased)
Mathias Bostrom, MD
Susan Chubinskaya, PhD
Roger Cornwall, MD
Hicham Drissi, PhD
Christopher Evans, PhD
Kurt Hankenson, DVM, PhD
Mary Goldring, PhD
Stuart B. Goodman, MD, PhD
Farshid Guilak, PhD
Edward Guo, PhD
Clark Hung, PhD
James Iatridis, PhD
Brian Johnstone, PhD
Lynne Jones, PhD
Christopher Little, BVMS, PhD
Qin Ling, PhD
Gloria Matthews, DVM, PhD
Robert Mauck, PhD
Audrey McAlinden, PhD
Theodore Miclau, MD
Regis O’Keefe, MD, PhD
Robin Queen, PhD
Clare Rimnac, PhD
Linda Sandell, PhD
Edward Schwarz, PhD
Matthew Silva, PhD
Martin Stoddart PhD
Steve Thomopoulos, PhD
Rocky Tuan, PhD
Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD
James Wang, PhD
Wentian Yang, PhD
Clare Yellowley, PhD

Chih-Hung Chang, MD, PhD
Je-Ken Chang
Chih-Hwa Chen, MD
Chung-Hwan Chen
Ming-Te Cheng
Oscar Lee

Derek Cooke, MD, MA, MB, FRCSC
Cy Frank, MD, FRCSC
Dr. A Robin Poole, PhD
Cecil Rorabek, MD, FRCSC
Norman S Schachar, MD, FRCSC