The ICORS Transformative Contribution Awards recognizes and acknowledges individuals who have had a major impact on the global orthopaedic community via sustained strategic and visionary activities.

“All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals”

– Margaret Mead, culture anthropologist


  • Nominees should have a substantial record of activities at the global orthopaedic level (e.g. facilitating networking, scientific collaboration and exchange and promotion of young investigators, major contribution to basic/clinical orthopedic research).
  • Nominees should be an active member of ICORS affiliated societies/foundation/association and have regularly attended ICORS meetings.
  • Nominees can be member(s) of the ICORS steering committee; however, at the time of nomination, a nominee cannot be the current ICORS president.
  • More than one individual could be nominated and selected per triennial period.

Award Selection

Selection of individuals is carried out by an Election Committee, which submits a recommendation on nominee(s) to the ICORS steering committee for final approval. The final approval is carried out in a blind ballot online by the representatives of the ICORS steering committee (one vote per society). If there are multiple individuals recommended by the Election Committee, each nominee is voted for individually and shall not be voted one against the other. For each nominee to win, they have to secure 2/3 of the votes. The selection process remains confidential to the nominated individuals. Awards are presented triennially at the ICORS Congress.

1st Election Committee

Gun-Il Im (ICORS President)
Bernd Grimm (ICORS President Elect)
Brenda Frederick (ICORS Secretary)
Brian Johnstone (FIOR Chair)
Hamish Simpson (ICORS Congress 2022 President)
Denitsa Docheva (Motion Initiator and EORS Past-President)

The First ICORS Transformative Contribution Awards were announced at the World Congress of Orthopaedic Research ICORS 2022 7-10 September, Edinburgh, UK.


The following recipients were selected in 2022 for their outstanding contribution to the establishment and governance of ICORS and FIOR, collaboratively leading to a substantial ICORS transformation evident by ICORS globalization, progressive development and expanded networking.

Theodore Miclau, MD

Director of Orthopedic Trauma
UCSF, San Francisco, USA

Past ORS President
Founder of ICORS
Past ICORS President

Geoff Richards, PhD

Director of AO Research Institute
Davos, Switzerland

Past TERMIS Global President
Founder of Fellows of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR)
Past FIOR Chair