Introducing LearnORSflex
An Exclusive Offer for ORS Members
LearnORS, the online education platform from the ORS, is pleased to introduce an exciting new educational opportunity that is available only to ORS members. LearnORSflex offers two unique, discounted package options that will provide you with a customized online, on demand learning experience.
The enrollment fees below are available to ORS Members only.
OPTION 1 – Receive THREE Courses
Choose ONE:
Art of Grant Writing
Orthopaedic Basic Science
Principles of Clinical Research
ORS Members who choose OPTION 1 will also receive these TWO Career Development Courses:
Enhanced Writing and Publication Skills (EWPS) AND
New Investigator Toolkit (NIT)
LearnORSflex Option 1 Enrollment Fee: $297.50
OPTION 2 – Receive FIVE Courses
Art of Grant Writing
Orthopaedic Basic Science
Principles of Clinical Research
Enhanced Writing and Publication Skills
New Investigator Toolkit
LearnORSflex Option 2 Enrollment Fee: $700