The 50th International Musculoskeletal Biology Workshop accepts abstract submissions for topics on musculoskeletal cells, including: identity, targeting, stimulation, and manipulation for therapeutic gain.

Abstract submissions for all Awards are now closed. 

Award Eligibility 

ASBMR is pleased to continue offering the ASBMR Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Awards, supported in collaboration with the ORS International Musculoskeletal Biology Workshop. These awards of $1,500 each will allow ten young investigators to participate in the next workshop occurring July 22 – 26, 2023 at Zermatt Utah Resort and Spa in Midway, Utah.


  • Must be a current ASBMR member
  • Must be a current ORS member
  • Must have no more than 2 years experience as an Assistant Professor


  • Abstract
  • Letter of support from mentor
  • A current CV of no more than 2 pages
  • Award winners are required to stay at the meeting venue in order to receive their monetary award

Abstract submissions for this Award are now closed. 

Eligibility: Student, fellow, young investigator up to and including Assistant Professor. For under-represented minority applicants for the Jee Award, candidates of any age or experience level are encouraged to apply.

Awards: Up to 10 Jee Awards at $1,000 each to offset meeting expenses.

Recognition: Some of the Jee Award Recipients may have the opportunity to present their work from podium if the work is closely related to one of the session topics.

Under-Represented Minority eligibility:

  • Terminal Graduate Degree (PhD, MD, DVM)
  • Minority candidate (as defined in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions Regulations, 29 C.F.R. Part 1602 i.e. Native American or Alaska Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, African-American or Black or Hispanic)
  • Might be in academia, industry, or government as long as their work is related in some manner to scientific research in the broad field of musculoskeletal biology

Abstract submissions for this Award are now closed. 

A number of abstracts will be selected to give a Blue Ribbon Presentation.  Presenters will have 3-minutes to present their work, followed by 1-minute discussion.  Slide format will include a title slide with no more than 3 additional slides.  These presentations are simply to engender interest in the poster, not to present all the data.  People with more detailed questions can visit the poster. 

Award submissions and Blue Ribbon Poster submissions must upload one additional document to submit your submission that includes: NIH Biosketch, Justification and Letter of Support.  Please save as a PDF file and include with your abstract submission.

Abstract submissions for all Awards are now closed. 

NIH Biosketch:  Download the NIH Biosketch template

Justification should include explanation of your qualification and research relevance; why should you be considered for this award and how will attending the workshop advance your career.

Letter of Support should be written by your Advisor or anyone who will support your award application and include explanation of your qualification and research relevance on why you should be considered for this award.

If you have any questions with your submission, please e-mail [email protected] putting MSK Biology in the subject line.