ORS ISFR Member Benefits

Did you know? Section members join a diverse community of biologists, clinicians, orthopaedic surgeons, engineers, and more who are all dedicated to our mission of advancing to advance the science of bone biology, bone regeneration, fracture healing/repair, and trauma leading to improved patient care.

As a Section member, you will have exclusive opportunities to engage, learn, and connect year-round whether face-to-face or virtual. Section members can look forward to:

  • Eligibility for Section member awards and grants including 10 ORS ISFR Podium and Poster Awards at the ORS Annual Meeting, 3-Minute Thesis Competition and much more
  • Highlighting your research in our newsletter and via ORS social media and ORS ISFR Twitter
  • Networking and collaborating at Section Scientific Meetings, social sessions, virtual scientific sessions and more
  • Diverse programming designed by our members, with our members’ research in mind
  • Opportunities to gain leadership experience by volunteering with our Section

Become a Member of the ORS ISFR

ORS Research Section Membership requires that you are currently an ORS member in good standing. If you are already an ORS member you can join a section at any time. Section dues are $50.00.

If you are not yet a member, please join ORS and an ORS section by visiting the JOIN ORS page.


Please contact the ORS office at [email protected]
or (847) 823-5770