We are pleased to announce the recipient of the
2025 ORS/OREF Distinguished Investigator Award

Brian Johnstone, PhD

Brian Johnstone, PhD, FIOR, FORS, is Director of Research, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon. He did his predoctoral research in England and postdoctoral studies in the USA. His main research area is skeletal tissue regeneration from which he has produced peer-reviewed manuscripts, chapters and reviews, with grants from numerous sources including NIH, Arthritis Foundation and Shriners Hospitals. He developed and patented the system for the chondrogenic induction of stem cells. Brian is a Past-President of the Orthopaedic Research Society and has served/serves on numerous grant review panels of national and international organizations and journal editorial boards. He currently chairs several scientific advisory boards for organizations in the US and Europe and is the Mercator Fellow for a German multi-center program. Brian has received numerous national and international honors including being elected into the inaugural class of Fellows of International Orthopaedic Research (FIOR), and that of the Orthopaedic Research Society Fellows (FORS). In 2017, he was awarded the Marshall R. Urist Award for his contributions to tissue regeneration research.

The ORS/OREF Distinguished Investigator Award was established in 2009 by the OREF and ORS to honor an individual who has significantly contributed to the field of orthopaedic research, to the ORS, and the OREF through their outstanding scientific achievements and their commitment of time and service.

A review team is comprised of five individuals which include; most recent ORS/OREF Distinguished Investigator Award honoree, representatives of the OREF Research Grant Committee, representatives from the Awards and Recognition Committee.

All nominees submitted will be reviewed by the review team and the final selection will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Significant contributions to the field of orthopaedic research
  2. Demonstration of leadership in the field of orthopaedic research
  3. Demonstration of mentorship in the field of orthopaedic research
  4. Achieved significant career achievement and a record of innovative research
  5. Service to the ORS
  6. Demonstrated Professionalism
  7. Must be an Established Member of the ORS


The ORS and Orthopaedic Research Education Foundation (OREF) will honor an individual with a long-standing, productive career in orthopaedic research.


The person nominating the ORS member for this award must include the following information about the nominee at the time of submission:

  1. NIH Biosketch
  2. Letter of recommendation
  3. Statement of service to ORS and OREF

Self-nominations and nominations from the review team are not accepted for this award.

*For those submitting nominations who are not ORS members please contact Karey Hyland at [email protected]*

The Deadline for Nominations was September 30, 2024.

If you have questions prior to your submission, please contact us at [email protected].

2025Brian Johnstone, PhD
2024Timothy Wright, PhD
2023Peter C. Amadio, MD
2022Gunnar Andersson, MD, PhD
John J. Callaghan, MD
2021Farshid Guilak, PhD
2020Joshua J. Jacobs, MD
2019Alan Grodzinsky, PhD
2018Christopher Evans, PhD
2017Clare Rimnac, PhD
2016Linda Sandell, PhD
2015Adele Boskey, PhD
2014Regis O'Keefe, MD, PhD
2013Jorge Galante, MD
2012Thomas A. Einhorn, MD
2011Joseph Buckwalter, MD
2010Henry J.  Mankin, MD
2009Carl T. Brighton, MD