The Journal of Orthopaedic Research® has eight Associate Editors who dedicate their time to the Journal. Robin Queen, PhD has served as an Associate Editor for the past two years.
What is your specific area of research?
Translational Research that focuses on improving orthopaedic outcomes through whole body biomechanics.
What has been the biggest challenge/issue for you as an associate editor?
The largest challenge I have faced is securing reviewers and having reviews completed on time.
What is most rewarding about being an associate editor?
Getting to see great science and helping to move it through the publication process.
What project(s) are you looking forward to in the near future?
I am very excited about the ACL clinical trial that I am currently conducting. I am looking forward to seeing the results when it is completed and then working to translate this work into clinical settings.
If you could give a specific message directly to ORS members, what would it be?
When you are preparing your manuscript for submission, make sure that you follow all of the instructions for authors. In addition, make sure that you have clearly stated your research question and hypothesis and that your statistical methods match your research question.
How do you think the Journal will change in the next five – ten years?
I think that in the next 5-10 years we will see much more of the journal content be presented online. In addition, I think we will see a shift towards the addition of datasets as supplemental information at the time of submission. The addition of these data repositories will allow the research community to increase study reproducibility. I also hope that through the development of these data repositories we are able to increase sample size for various studies to begin to better understand population based impact of the work that we do in orthopaedic.