Abstract submission is now closed.
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Abstract Template
Download the abstract template. Abstracts are up to one page in length with images and tables optional. PDF FORMAT ONLY
*ALL authors are required to complete and submit the mandatory disclosure, copyright and FDA forms. The link to the disclosure, copyright and FDA forms will be in the confirmation e-mail you receive after you submit your abstract. Please forward the link to ALL authors.
PLEASE NOTE: Abstracts submitted to or presented at this meeting can also be submitted to the ORS Annual Meeting.
ORS Tendon Section Trainee Awards
Trainees include:
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students
- Post-doctoral trainees
- Residents or clinical fellows
Travel Awards
Six awards at $250, to offset travel and registration, will be granted to applicants from underrepresented or disadvantaged background as defined by the NIH (click on each category to learn more):
- Underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
- Individuals with disabilities
- Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
Poster and Paper Awards
The conference will provide 3 short talk awards and 3 poster awards at $500 each to students/trainees, based on the scientific content and quality of presentation of the accepted short talk or poster presentation. The winners of the poster and short talk awards will be announced during the concluding remarks at the end of the meeting.
Awards will be presented to ORS Tendon Section members in good standing.
Please contact the ORS at +1 (847) 823-5770 or [email protected]
Learn more about ORS Tendon Section Membership.