New Frontiers in Extracellular Matrix Biology

Saturday, February 8
12:45 pm – 2:45 pm

This meeting will include a keynote presentation by Dr. Manuela Gomes followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Gomes and other experts in the field extracellular matrix biology and bioengineering to discuss new directions and innovations related to tendon extracellular matrix and proteomics research. Question and answer-based discussion from the audience is encouraged. We will also feature PhD- and MS-level student finalists in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition. The goal of this meeting is to facilitate connections and discussion by our members and guests and move our field forward in thinking broadly and collaboratively. ORS attendees who are not yet Tendon Section members are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in this open meeting to broaden the impact of tendon research being done by the ORS community.

Keynote Speaker:

Manuela Gomes, PhD, University of Porto – School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS)


Manuela Gomes, PhD

Pernilla Eliasson, PhD, University of Gothenburg

Brianne Connizzo, PhD, Boston University

3-Minute Thesis Competition
Current or recently graduated MS and PhD students are invited to apply for the 3 Minute Thesis Competition on or before January 17th at 11:59PM Pacific Time ( Invited finalists will be notified by January 24th to present during the Tendon Section Scientific Meeting.

Ticket Required (Please register for this event during your Annual Meeting registration process)

Past Meetings

Is Time the Tendon’s Enemy? The Role of Circadian Rhythm and Aging in Human Tendon Disease

Sunday, February 4
2:15pm – 4:15pm
Room 203

Title of Presentations and Speakers:

Circadian Clock Tendinopathy
Chloe Yeung, PhD

Molecular Insights of Tendon and Aging
Anne Gingery, PhD

Effects of Aging and Exercise on the Tendon
Christian Couppe, MScPT, PhD

Become a Member

Join the ORS and or an ORS Section today by completing the online membership application.