We are please to announce the recipient of the 2025 Alfred R. Shands, Jr., MD Award:
Laura L. Tosi, PhD
Dr. Laura L. Tosi, Professor of Orthopaedics and Pediatrics at George Washington University, founded and directs the Bone Health Program at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC. Dr. Tosi graduated from Harvard Medical School and trained at the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital (New York) and the Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto).  Dr. Tosi’s clinical practice, advocacy, research and education efforts focus on improving bone health across the lifespan, particularly for individuals with rare bone diseases and musculoskeletal disabilities. She currently serves on the Science Board of the FDA,  the Medical Advisory Committee of the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation and the Steering Committee of the American Orthopaedic Association “Own the Bone” program which seeks to improve the care of seniors who suffer from fragility fractures. She was the inaugural chair of the Rare Bone Disease Alliance Steering Committee, and serves as faculty chair of their monthly Rare Bone Disease teleECHO educational program.


This award will be presented to a member who has made significant contributions to orthopaedics. The winner will be chosen by the President of the ORS Board of Directors.

Named for Alfred R. Shands, Jr., MD, this award is presented in odd numbered years to a United States or Canadian citizen who has made significant contributions to orthopaedics. This award recognizes the devotion of a significant portion of the professional lifetime to furthering knowledge in the fields of musculoskeletal disease. The Alfred R. Shands, Jr., MD Award is sponsored by the Orthopaedic Research Society. The ORS President chooses the award recipient. The ORS Board of Directors gives the final approval.

About Alfred R. Shands, Jr., MD


Where there is no vision, the people perish. Alfred R. Shands Jr., M.D. presented this proverb as a cautionary reminder of the need for orthopaedists to look to the future of the profession in his presidential address at The American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting on June 9, 1954. In his address he stated: We of this generation should be doing as our forefathers did for us; we should be sowing the seed to bring forth the harvest of the future for the oncoming generations. Committed to this mission of investing in the future of orthopaedics, Alfred R. Shands Jr., M.D., along with Joseph S. Barr Jr., M.D., James A. Dickson, M.D.; Francis M. McKeever, M.D.; Harold A. Sofield, M.D.; and Philip D. Wilson Jr., M.D., founded the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation in 1955. The accomplishments of Alfred R. Shands Jr., M.D., are many. Born into an eminent family of physicians in Washington in 1899, he graduated with his medical degree from the University of Virginia in 1922 and received his internship and residency training at Johns Hopkins. In 1930, while serving at Duke University School of Medicine, he founded the orthopaedic department and developed the first orthopaedic resident training program. During his last two years with the university he wrote the Handbook of Orthopaedic Surgery.

From 1937 to 1969, he held the position of Medical Director of the Nemours Foundation for Crippled Children. He was not only instrumental in helping to establish the Alfred I. duPont Institute, but also served as its Surgeon-in-Chief from 1940 to 1962.

In 1941, he accepted the position of Visiting Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania. During World War II, he served in many capacities with the United States Army Air Force, i.e., Senior Consultant on Orthopaedic Surgery and Chief of the Surgical Branch. His commitment extended after WWII, as he served on the Armed Forces Medical Policy and Advisory Councils from 1951 to 1954.

2023 Clare M. Rimnac, PhD
2021 Theodore Miclau, MD
2019 Regis O’Keefe, MD, PhD
2017 Van C. Mow, PhD
2015 Linda J. Sandell, PhD
2013 Timothy Wright, PhD
2012 Gunnar B.J. Andersson, MD, PhD
2010 Adele L. Boskey, PhD
2009 Randy N. Rosier, MD
2008 Thomas A. Einhorn, MD
2007 Joseph A. Buckwalter, MD
2006 Jorge O. Galante, MD
2005 Stuart L. Weinstein, MD
2004 James D Heckman, MD
2003 Victor M. Goldberg, MD
2001 Eric L. Radin, MD
1999 Jacquelin Perry, MD, DSc
1997 Melvin J Glimcher, MD
1995 Clement B. Sledge, MD
1993 Roby C. Thompson, Jr., MD
1991 Lawrence Rosenberg
1989 Albert H. Burstein, MD, PhD
1987 Henry Mankin, MD
1985 Carl T. Brighton, MD, PhD
1983 Edmund Chao, PhD
1981 Marshall Urist, MD
1979 Frederick Rhinelander, MD
1977 Crawford J. Campbell, Jr
1975 Ignacio V. Ponseti, MD
1973 Verne T. Inman, MD, PhD
1971 Robert A. Robinson, MD