Coordinated by the ORS Scientific Communications Committee, On the Horizon presents brief articles discussing current scientific investigations that may have future orthopaedic clinical applications.
This feature is presented quarterly in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Procedure for submitting On the Horizon (OTH) Articles
Updated November 2020. The procedure now first involves the ORS Responsible soliciting a title, abstract, and reference list from the target author for a short article of ~750-1200 words. ORS Responsible will then submit a presubmission inquiry to JAAOS, and followup with the authors if JAAOS wants a full article for submission.
- OTH articles are typically short reviews. There should be no more than 4 authors and the target length is 1200 words (750 if figures) with fewer than 50 references.
- If anything arises the JAAOS will contact the ORS responsible who acts as a conduit between the JAAOS and the authors.
- When submitting the final manuscript (not the presubmission), each Author needs to have completed disclosure and transfer of copyright forms (attached)
- I find it saves time if you send these once the authors accept to write a OTH. They can then send ORS responsible the article and the forms at the same time.
- In addition, the authors need to complete the additional online JAAOS disclosures.
Formatting Instructions from JAAOS for On the Horizon From the ORS
- Length
- The articles are 1-4 printed pages long (1200 words without figures, ~750 words max, if 2 figures) and will be published in the JAAOS Reviews section
- Authorship
- Maximal 4 authors following JAAOS Reviews criteria
- Lead author/first author does not need to be an MD or DO, similar to the JAAOS Research section, there are no restrictions for the first author provided senior author is MS, MBBS, PhD, MD, or equivalent
- Abstract
- Desired but not required.
- References
- Number of references should be reasonable, e.g. 15 references for a 2-page article, up to 50 references for 4-pages article
- Tables and figures
- Maximum of 1-2 tables and/or figures