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The AIMBE Flash, an online newsletter, is a fast way to catch up with today’s news at the intersection of public policy and biomedical innovation. Each issue tells you what you need to know this week, which issues are emerging, and an interesting development. Click on the image to read past issues and subscribe today! ORS is a member of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). 

Current Committee

Jason Marvin, PhD, Chair

Ryan Tomlinson, PhD, Chair Elect

Erin Mannen, PhD

Sade Clayton, PhD

Claire Brockett, PhD

Bonnie Walton, BS

Thomas Leahy, PhD

Staff Liaison: Paige Mooney

Advocacy is defined as any action that supports or argues for a cause, bringing increased awareness of an issue to the attention of others including the public, organizations, and law makers (local and national).

You can get involved in advocacy efforts by using these tools:

Pioneers of Innovation

Pioneers of Innovation is a program that recognizes scientists whose sustained research in biological, engineering, or clinical sciences have translated into novel therapies and improved patient care. Scientists in the Pioneers of Innovation program are examples for our advocacy efforts that highlight the importance of musculoskeletal research and the need for increased research funding.

Impact of Orthopaedic Research

NIH-funded research reaches every American for less than $100 in taxes per person. 91% of Americans support medical research, and 78% indicate supporting medical discoveries should be a priority of Congress. This one page printable flyer communicates the importance and value of orthopaedic research.

Use this website to reach out to your member of congress and encourage them to support sustainable funding for otheropaedic Research: