Abstract notifications were emailed Friday, September 13. If you did not receive a notification, please send an email to Jaime Alston.

ORS PSRS 7th International Spine Research Symposium
November 10 – 14, 2024
Skytop, Pennsylvania, USA

The Philadelphia Spine Research Society (PSRS) and the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) welcomes you to the ORS PSRS 7th International Spine Research Symposium. The meeting will be held at Skytop Lodge located in picturesque Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania, a short drive from Philadelphia from November 10-14, 2024. Since 2011, the PSRS has been holding a biennial international symposium that has brought together leading researchers, clinicians, and industry from all parts of the world. The past meetings have been highly successful and received high praise and positive feedback from participants.

This exciting multiday meeting will provide a forum for discussion of the latest research, medical innovations, and the most advanced scholarship in spine research. This symposium will foster a greater understanding of the clinical problems associated with degenerative disc disease and will highlight cutting-edge scientific research in areas of basic biology, epidemiology, disease mechanisms, biomechanics, tissue engineering, and imaging of the intervertebral disc. The meeting format will have plenty of networking time in the afternoon and post-dinner and the convenient location of Skytop will provide great opportunities for outdoor and adventure activities that have made Pocono mountains a favorite tourist destination. The program will feature invited talks by several leading researchers. The meeting format will also provide opportunities for new investigators, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students to present their work in podium/poster sessions and to exchange ideas in an informal setting with experienced investigators at the forefront of their field. The Society will confer its 6th Lifetime Research Achievement Award at the meeting to recognize long-standing contributions of a selected nominee. I hope that you will join us for this exciting meeting in November 2024.

Makarand V. Risbud, PhD and Lachlan J. Smith, Ph.D.
Conveners and Co-Chairs, 7th International ORS PSRS Spine Research Symposium

Key dates

  • Abstract submission opened Monday, May 20 and closed Friday, August 2.
  • Registration opened Wednesday, June 19 and closes Monday, October 28.

It is the expectation that authors submitting to the ORS PSRS Meeting will attend the meeting if accepted.

ORS PSRS 6th International Spine Research Symposium, 2022

Executive Committee:

Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD | Drexel University
Dawn M. Elliott, PhD | University of Delaware
James C. Iatridis, PhD | Mount Sinai, NY
Neil Malhotra, MD | University of Pennsylvania
Michele Marcolongo, PhD | Villanova University
Makarand V. Risbud, PhD | Thomas Jefferson University
Thomas P. Schaer, VMD | University of Pennsylvania
Irving S. Shapiro, BDS, PhD | Thomas Jefferson University
Lachlan J. Smith, PhD | University of Pennsylvania
Ed Vresilovic, MD, PhD | Pennsylvania State University